Non-Lethal Combat: Wrestling

Calculating Character's Wrestling Rating (WR)
Each opponent involved in wrestling (attacking or defending) makes a simple d20 roll each round. If the character is trying to wrestle, he adds his WR to the roll. You can find your WR score on your character sheet. If he is trying to do something else (such as strike, use a dagger, etc.), he does not add his WR to the roll that round. The highest roll wins the round. Ties are considered a draw for that round, neither gaining advantage. Wrestling can take several rounds to resolve to a winner.  Contestants move up and down a status scale depending on how well they are doing. The scale moves from free, to grabbed, to takedown, to pinned.  Both targets are considered "free" when the wrestling begins.

Status Scale
FreeBeginning of wrestling combat
GrabA character grabbed can still do many things. The easiest being drop everything and counter-grapple the wrestling attack. He can also throw a small or medium weapon at a target or attack unarmed or with a small weapon against the wrestler. He cannot fire a missile weapon, cast a spell, use a magic item, etc.
TakedownA character taken down has fewer options. He can throw only small weapons at a target and attack either unarmed or with a small weapon. Counter-grappling against the attacker is still available in a takedown.
PinA pinned character can perform no combat maneuvers. Once per round, he can make his wrestling roll (at -3 penalty) to try to escape the pin. If he beats the wrestler's roll , he breaks the pin and returns to the takedown status.

A pinning character can inflict d6 damage plus STR bonus if he chooses. The victim must make a save vs death ray to avoid all damage that round. A natural 20 indicates an escape from the pin. If a group have pinned a character, they can all inflict damage, but the victim only gets one save roll.

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