The special effects listed or weapons in the Weapons Mastery Table are described here and arranged alphabetically for your convenience.
BREAKS | Whenever the wielder of a shield weapon or his foe rolls the exact number needed to hit the other, there is a chance that one of the shield weapons blades will break. With a subsequent roll of 5 or less on 1d10, a blade breaks. |
CHARGE | If the wielder charges 20 yards or more and strikes his target, the victim takes double damage. |
DEATH | The victim is reduced to -10 hit points. |
DEFLECT | In addition to any attacks, the wielder of this weapon may attempt to deflect the number of melee and thrown weapon attacks indicated in one round. To deflect each attack, the character must make a saving throw vs. death ray. |
DELAY | The victim hit by this weapon must make a saving throw or lose initiative the next round. If the type of saving throw is not specified, it is a save vs. paralysis. For missile attacks, this effect occurs only at the indicated ranges. |
DISARM | The wielder of this weapon may attempt to disarm an opponent instead of making a normal attack. The attacker must roll to hit the target. The victim can save his weapon by rolling less than or equal to his DEX . If the attacker has the Disarm Combat option, the victim must add a +5 penalty to his die roll. The DM should determine DEX scores for NPCs and monsters or else assume a DEX score of 11. In addition, for each level of mastery the attacker has gained beyond basic, the victim suffers a penalty of +1 to his roll vs. the effect. |
DOUBLE DAMAGE | On a natural roll of the number(s) indicated, the weapon inflicts double damage. |
ENTANGLE | An entangled victim cannot attack, cast spells, or move. The victim may make a saving throw vs. death ray each round to escape. |
HOOK | Instead of making a normal attack, the wielder of this weapon may attempt to hook and pull down a foe. The attacker must roll to hit. this causes the minimum damage possible for the weapon; the victim must make a save bs. paralysis or fall down. A +4 bonus to attack rolls applies when attacking a fallen foe. A fallen foe also has a -4 penalty to all saving throws and a -2 penalty to attack rolls while on the ground. A character can stand up next round, but loses initiative. |
IGNITE | Fire has a chance to ignite anything flammable that it hits. The chance is equal to 5% (rolled on d100) per point of damage caused in each round. If an item ignites it will burn for d6 rounds causing 1d4 points of damage each round. |
KNOCKOUT | The victim is rendered unconscious for d100 rounds. |
NO OFF-HAND PENALTY | When using the two weapon combat rule, the cestus does not take a -4 penalty or the -1 weapon mastery level penalties when used in the off-hand. If the character uses two cesti, he can strike with both weapons at the same chance for success. |
PARALYSIS | Freezes a creature in place for d6 turns. A paralyzed creature is aware of what is happening but cannot move, attack, talk, or cast spells. Any curing spell can negate the effects of paralysis, but they do not cure damage in addition to removing the paralysis. |
SECOND ATTACK | The wielder is able to make a second attack with this shield weapon while attacking with another one-handed weapon in his other hand. This second attack is made with no off-hand penalty. |
SET VS CHARGE | If the wielder is aware of a charging enemy, he may set this weapon against the charge. A charge only takes place when the enemy rushes the wielder at 20 yards this round. If the wielder's weapon hits the charging foe, it inflicts double listed damage. |
SKEWER | If the target has no more than the number of HD indicated, the wielder of this weapon may decide to skewer him instead of strike him normally. A normal attack consists of striking the target and withdrawing the trident for another attack; with the skewer, the attacker thrusts his trident into the target and twists it so that it is not easily extracted. Once the weapon hits, it is stuck; it will remain stuck for 1d4+4 rounds, after which time the victim's movements will causing it to come free. For each round a victim remains skewered, he automatically takes 1d6 points of damage. |
SLOW | The victim is slowed and can move and attack at only half his normal movement rate. He can cast no spells while slowed. |
STRANGLE | If the attacker makes a natural roll of the number(s) indicated, the victim must make a successful save vs. death ray or become immediately paralyzed and die in 1d6+2 rounds unless rescued. If the victim escapes, he survives but remains paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. |
STUN | If the victim is approximately the same size as the attacker or smaller, he is stunned if he fails a saving throw vs. death ray. A stunned character moves at 1/3 speed and cannot attack or cast spells. The character also has a +2 armor class penalty and a -2 saving throw penalty. A stunned character can make a saving throw vs. death ray each round to recover from the stun effect. For missile weapons, this effect occurs only at the specified ranges. |
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