The GM will have affected monsters and NPCs make a morale roll under any of the following circumstances:
- The weapon user inflicts the maximum possible damage with his weapon. This MUST be a critical strike, meaning a natural 20 rolled and hits by +5.
- The weapon user avoids all damage in a round by deflecting the opponent's blows. (Deflecting is described in the section on descriptions of special effects after the Weapons Mastery Table in the DnD Rules Cyclopdedia).
- The weapon user disarms two or more opponents in the same round.
- Other special situations as the GM chooses.
Despair can only affect a certain number of enemies at a time. This varies with the level of mastery in the weapon:
- Basic: No despair effect possible
- Skilled: Up to 4HD
- Expert: Up to 8HD
- Master: Up to 12HD
- Grand Master: Up to 16HD
Always affects the lowest level enemies first. Can only occur once per fight, it at all.
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