An Item Distasteful to the Target---BanishmentNPHB2174
Adder's stomach8 gpMelf's Acid ArrowNPHB2592
Agate1,000 gpAwakenYPHB2165
Agate10 gpDarkvisionNPHB2302
Alum soaked in vinegar0.05 gpAntipathyNPHB2148
Amber, Glass, or Crystal Rod20 gpChain LightningNPHB2216
Amber, Glass, or Crystal Rod20 gpLightning BoltNPHB2553
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Conjure BarrageYPHB2253
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Conjure VolleyYPHB2265
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Cordon of ArrowsYPHB2282
Artistic Representation of Caster5 gpProject ImageNPHB2707
Artistic Representation of Target500 gp per hit dieImprisonmentYPHB2529
Ashes of Mistletoe and Spruce0.50 gpPass without TraceYPHB2642
Bell (tiny)1 gpAlarmNPHB2111
Bitumen (a drop)0.05 gpSpider ClimbYPHB2772
Black Onyx Stone150 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296
Black Pearl (as crushed powder)500 gpCircle of DeathNPHB2216
Blood (a drop)0.10 gpAnimate DeadYPHB2123
Blood (a drop)0.10 gpBaneYPHB2161
Bone0.02 gpMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614
Bone dust0.10 gpAnimate DeadNPHB2123
Brimstone0.10 gpFlaming SphereNPHB2422
Brimstone0.10 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486
Butter0.20 gpGreaseYPHB2461
Caterpillar Cocoon5 gpPolymorphNPHB2664
Chalks and Inks infused with precious gems50 gpTeleportation CircleYPHB2825
Charcoal, Incense, and Herb mixture10 gpFind FamiliarYPHB2401Must be consumed by fire in a brass brazier
Chrysolite powder50 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624
Clay0.10 gpConjure Elemental (Earth)NPHB2255
Clay0.10 gpEarthquakeNPHB2368
Clay0.10 gpFeeblemindNPHB2398
Clay0.10 gpStone ShapeNPHB2784The clay must be worked into the desired shape of the stone object
Clay Model of a Ziggurat5 gpTonguesNPHB2833
Clay Pot of Brackish Water1 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296
Clay Pot of Grave Dirt4 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296
Cloak, miniature1 gpResistanceNPHB2720
Cloth wad0.02 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624
Cloth, Tiny white strip0.02 gpAidNPHB2112
Club0.50 gpShillelaghNPHB2750May substitute a quarterstaff
Coal1 gpDarknessNPHB2302
Colored Sand (red, yellow, and blue)10 gpColor SprayYPHB2221
Copper Piece1 cpDetect ThoughtsNPHB2312
Copper Pieces2 cpGentle ReposeNPHB2452Copper pieces must be placed over corpse's eyes for the duration
Copper Wire0.10 gp per footMessageNPHB2590
Copper Wire0.10 gp per footSendingNPHB2743
Cork0.02 gpWater WalkNPHB2873
Corn, powdered0.05 gpRope TrickNPHB2722
Cricket0.05 gpSleepNPHB2761
Crystal Bead0.50 gpLeomund's Tiny HutNPHB2553
Crystal Hemisphere120 gpOtiluke's Resilient SphereNPHB2644
Crystal or Glass Cone25 gpCone of ColdNPHB2245
Crystal Sphere, small20 gpOtiluke's Freezing SphereNPHB2636
Crystal Vial of phosphorescent material20 gpHypnotic PatternNPHB2523
Cured Leather0.10 gpMage ArmorNPHB2561
Detritus from the target creature---SimulacrumYPHB2767Fingernail clippings, hair, etc
Diamond50 gpChromatic OrbNPHB2211
Diamond1,000 gpCloneYPHB2228
Diamond5,000 gpGateNPHB2249
Diamond500 gpRaise DeadYPHB2705
Diamond1,000 gpResurrectionYPHB2727
Diamond (as dust)200 gpGlyph of WardingYPHB2453
Diamond (as dust)100 gpGreater RestorationYPHB2465
Diamond (as dust)25 gpNondetectionYPHB2633Sprinkled over target
Diamond (as dust)100 gpStoneskinYPHB2784
Diamond and Opal, powdered mix1,000 gpSymbolYPHB2807
Diamonds300 gpRevivifyYPHB2723
Diamonds25,000 gpTrue ResurrectionYPHB2849
Dirt---Flesh to StoneNPHB2436
Distilled Spirits0.05 gpFalse LifeYPHB2391
Divinatory Tools100 gpFind the PathNPHB2406bones, sticks, cards, teeth, runes, dice, etc.
Dried Carrot0.05 gpDarkvisionNPHB2302May use Agate as a component instead
Dust---Control WaterNPHB2274
Dust---Ice StormNPHB2524
Dust---Sleet StormNPHB2763
Earth, Wood, and Water mixture---Control WeatherNPHB2288
Eggshell0.30 gpBigby's HandNPHB2185
Eggshells5 gpRary's Telepathic BondNPHB2705Requires eggshells from two different types of creatures
Exquisite Chest, 3' x 2' x 2', made of rare materials5,000 gpLeomund's Secret ChestNPHB2544
Exquisite Chest, tiny replica50 gpLeomund's Secret ChestNPHB2544
Eyelash in gum arabic5 gpInvisibilityNPHB2542
Fan, tiny0.50 gpWind WallNPHB2883
Feather0.10 gpEnhance AbilityNPHB2372
Feather0.10 gpFeather FallNPHB2391
Feather0.10 gpTasha's Hideous LaughterNPHB2801
Feather from any bird's wing0.10 gpFlyNPHB2433
Feather of hummingbird2 gpForesightNPHB2449
Feather of owl0.50 gpIdentifyNPHB2521
Feather, exotic3 gpWind WallNPHB2883
Feather, white0.10 gpFearNPHB2393
Feldspar0.10 gpMoonbeamNPHB2612
Firefly0.10 gpFire ShieldNPHB2424
Firefly0.10 gpLightNPHB2550May use phosphorescent moss instead
Flame---Heat MetalNPHB2502
Flame---Wind WalkNPHB2886
Fleece0.05 gpMajor ImageNPHB2583
Fleece0.05 gpMinor IllusionNPHB2600
Fleece0.05 gpPhantasmal ForceNPHB2642
Fleece0.05 gpProgrammed IllusionNPHB2696
Fleece0.05 gpSilent ImageNPHB2761
Flesh---Animate DeadNPHB2123
Flesh, a cubic inch---CloneYPHB2228
Focus1,000 gpScryingNPHB2735Crystal ball, silver mirror, etc.
Food morsel0.01 gpAnimal FriendshipYPHB2121
Food morsel0.01 gpAnimal MessengerYPHB2122
Forked Metal Rod250 gpPlane ShiftNPHB2667Must be attuned to a particular plane of existence
Forked Twig0.10 gpLocate ObjectNPHB2562Dowsing rods are often forked sticks
Fur0.30 gpChain LightningNPHB2216
Fur0.30 gpEnhance AbilityNPHB2372
Fur0.30 gpLightning BoltNPHB2553
Fur of Bat2 gpArcane EyeNPHB2144
Fur of Bat2 gpDarknessNPHB2302
Fur of Bloodhound1 gpLocate Animals or PlantsNPHB2562Divination
Fur of Bloodhound1 gpLocate CreatureNPHB2564
Gauze0.10 gpGaseous FormNPHB2443
Gem or other ornamental container500 gpMagic JarYPHB2576May also be a reliquary, crystal, etc. The container is destroyed when the spell ends, not upon casting
Gem-Encrusted Bowl1,000 gpHeroes' FeastYPHB2506
Gem, as powder10 gpWall of ForceYPHB2855Gemstone must be clear
Gems, as powder5,000 gpSequesterYPHB2747Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire
Glass Eye100 gpClairvoyance (Seeing)NPHB2223
Glass or Crystal Bead0.10 gpGlobe of InvulnerabilityYPHB2456The bead shatters when the spell ends
Glass Sliver---Cloud of DaggersNPHB2222
Glow worm1 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300
Gold dust25 gpArcane LockYPHB2152
Golden Wire2 gp per footLevitateNPHB2552
Granite0.50 gpWall of StoneNPHB2875
Grasshopper's Hind Leg0.10 gpJumpNPHB2541
Graveyard Dirt (just a pinch)3 gpFeign DeathNPHB2403
Green Plant0.10 gpHallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494
Guano0.10 gp per ounceDelayed Blast FireballNPHB2307
Guano0.10 gp per ounceFireballNPHB2413
Gum Arabic0.50 gpTrue PolymorphNPHB2669
Gum Arabic Hemisphere1 gpOtiluke's Resilient SphereNPHB2644
Hen's Heart1 gpFearNPHB2393
Herbs, Oils, and Incense mixture1,000 gpHallowYPHB2495
Holly Berry0.10 gpConjure Woodland BeingsNPHB2264One per being conjured
Holy Symbol0.10 gpSpirit GuardiansNPHB2783
Holy Water1 gpDispel EvilYPHB2335
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpBless/CurseYPHB2191
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpCommuneYPHB2235
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpMagic CircleYPHB2563
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpProtection from Evil/GoodYPHB2701
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpRegenerateYPHB2717
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpTrue ResurrectionYPHB2849
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpWind WalkYPHB2886
Honey (drop)0.10 gp per ounceAntipathy (Sympathy)YPHB2148
Honeycomb1 gpMagic MouthYPHB2572
Honeycomb1 gpMass SuggestionYPHB2586
Honeycomb1 gpSuggestionYPHB2792
Incense100 gpCommuneYPHB2235
Incense100 gpConjure Elemental (Air)YPHB2255
Incense400 gpControl WeatherYPHB2288
Incense200 gpDivinationYPHB2344
Incense120 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436
Incense60 gpGlyph of WardingYPHB2453
Incense120 gpGuards and WardsYPHB2486
Incense60 gpHypnotic PatternYPHB2523
Incense250 gpLegend LoreYPHB2545Also requires 4 x Ivory Strips worth 50 gp each, not consumed
Incense150 gpSpeak with DeadYPHB2773
Ink5 gpDreamNPHB2365
Ink, Lead-based10 gpIllusory ScriptYPHB2521
Iron0.02 gpHeat MetalNPHB2502
Iron0.02 gpHold MonsterNPHB2515
Iron0.02 gpHold PersonNPHB2512
Iron Blade2 gpMove EarthNPHB2636
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpAntimagic FieldNPHB2138
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpEnlarge/ReduceNPHB2372
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpFlaming SphereNPHB2422
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpReverse GravityNPHB2727
Ivory Portal (miniature)5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617
Ivory Strips x450 gp eachLegend LoreNPHB2545Also requires 250 gp worth of incense, consumed.
Jacinth1,000 gpAstral ProjectionYPHB2159
Jade Circlet1,500 gpShapechangeNPHB2749Circlet must be placed on head before casting.
Jade Dust10 gpMagic MouthYPHB2572
Jade Dust25 gpProgrammed IllusionYPHB2696
Jewel1,000 gpPlanar BindingYPHB2655
Jeweled Horn100 gpClairvoyance (Hearing)NPHB2223
Kernels of Grain0.02 gp per ounceInsect PlagueYPHB2545
Knotted String---Guards and WardsNPHB2486
Lead, a thin sheet0.06 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624
Leather Loop0.50 gpLevitateNPHB2552
Leather strap, bound around arm or similar appendage0.50 gpFreedom of MovementNPHB2444
Legume Seed0.10 gp per ounceGust of WindNPHB2482
Licorice Root Shaving0.10 gp per ounceHasteNPHB2503
Lime0.10 gp per poundFlesh to StoneNPHB2436
Lodestone10 gpDisintegrateNPHB2336
Lodestone10 gpMendingNPHB2590
Lodestone10 gpReverse GravityNPHB2727
Magnifying Glass100 gpSunbeamNPHB2796
Makeup1 gpFriendsYPHB2440Applied to face as spell is cast.
Marked Sticks or Bones25 gpAuguryNPHB2152Alternatively, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc.
Mercury5 gp per ounceSymbolNPHB2807
Mercury5 gp per ounceTenser's Floating DiskNPHB2821
Mercury5 gp per ounceTrue PolymorphNPHB2669
Mica chip---ShatterNPHB2752
Mistletoe sprig0.10 gpGoodberryNPHB2461
Mistletoe sprig0.10 gpShillelaghNPHB2750
Molasses (a drop)0.10 gp per ounceSlowYPHB2773
Moonseeds20 gpMoonbeamNPHB2612
Nut Shells (3)---ConfusionNPHB2244
Oak bark---BarkskinNPHB2172
Oil0.10 gp per ounceGuards and WardsNPHB2486
Oils and Unguents1,000 gpReincarnateYPHB2715
Ointment for the Eyes25 gpTrue SeeingYPHB2846The ointment is made of mushroom powder, saffron, and fat.
Opaque Glass0.50 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624
Parchment, as a twisted loop---Rope TrickNPHB2722
Parchment, with holy word written upon it---Shield of FaithNPHB2751
Pearl100 gpIdentifyNPHB2521
Petrified Eye of Newt15 gpHexNPHB2511
Phosphorescent Moss1 gpLightNPHB2550May use a firefly instead.
Phosphorus1 gpConjure Elemental (Fire)NPHB2255
Phosphorus1 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300
Phosphorus1 gpFire ShieldNPHB2424
Phosphorus1 gpSymbolNPHB2807
Phosphorus1 gpWall of FireNPHB2854
Pickled Octopus Tentacle8 gpHunger of HadarNPHB2513
Pitch, a drop0.05 gpDarknessYPHB2302
Platinum Rings, two50 gp eachWarding BondNPHB2872
Platinum Sword, miniature, with grip and pommel of copper and zinc250 gpMordenkainen's SwordNPHB2627
Polished Marble Stone5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617
Pork Rind or other fat0.02 gpGreaseYPHB2461
Pork Rind or other fat0.02 gpInsect PlagueYPHB2545
Prayer Wheel10 gpRegenerateNPHB2717
Quartz0.10 gpWall of IceNPHB2856
Quill plucked from a sleeping bird50 gpDreamNPHB2365
Quiver, with at least one piece of ammunition1 gpSwift QuiverNPHB2795
Reed---Water BreathingNPHB2873
Reliquary containing a Sacred Relic1,000 gpHoly AuraNPHB2818
Rhubarb Leaf, powdered1 gpMelf's Acid ArrowNPHB2592
Rose petals0.10 gp per ounceSleepNPHB2761
Rotten Egg---Stinking CloudYPHB2783
Ruby (as dust)50 gpContinual FlameYPHB2272
Ruby (as dust)1,000 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436
Ruby (as dust)1,500 gpForcecageNPHB2437
Ruby (as dust)1,500 gpSimulacrumYPHB2767
Sacrificial Offering appropriate to deity25 gpDivinationYPHB2344
Salt0.10 gp per ounceComprehend LanguagesNPHB2241
Salt0.10 gp per ounceGentle ReposeNPHB2452
Sand0.05 gp per ounceConjure Elemental (Water)NPHB2255
Sand0.05 gp per ounceCreate/Destroy Water (Destroy)NPHB2291
Sand0.05 gp per ounceDreamNPHB2365
Sand 0.05 gp per ounceSleepNPHB2761
Sapphire1,000 gpDrawmij's Instant SummonsYPHB2356Sapphire is crushed to activate, consuming it at that time, not upon casting.
Sesame Seeds1 gp per ouncePasswallNPHB2645
Silk Square2 gpNystul's Magic AuraNPHB2632
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture5 gpDispel Good[varies]PHB2335
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture100 gpMagic CircleYPHB2563
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture5 gpProtection from Evil/Good[varies]PHB2701
Silver Bar, ornately carved100 gpAstral ProjectionYPHB2159
Silver Mirror, small5 gpSanctuaryNPHB2721
Silver Pins (3).1 gp per pinChain LightningNPHB2216
Silver powder5 gpSee InvisibilityNPHB2742
Silver Rings, as a linked pair5gp per ringTelepathyNPHB2818
Silver Rod10 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486
Silver Spoon, tiny5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617
Silver Whistle5 gpMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614
Skunk Cabbage Leaves0.10 gpStinking CloudNPHB2783
Snakeskin glove5 gpBigby's HandNPHB2185
Snaketongue---Mass SuggestionNPHB2796
Snow, enough to make a life-size copy of the target creature---SimulacrumYPHB2767May substitute ice
Soil mixture in a small bag0.05 gpMove EarthNPHB2636Clay, loam, sand, etc.
Soot---Comprehend LanguagesNPHB2241
Spheres of glass, crystal, or mineral2 gpFeeblemindNPHB2398
Spider---Spider ClimbNPHB2772
Statue of the caster, carved from ivory and decorated with gems1,500 gpContingencyNPHB2276
Stem of a Thorny Plant0.05 gpThorn WhipNPHB2820
Stone---Hallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494
Straw---Water BreathingNPHB2873
String---Unseen ServantNPHB2841
Sugar0.30 gp per ounceInsect PlagueYPHB2545
Sulfur0.10 gpConjure Elemental (Fire)NPHB2255
Sulfur0.10 gpDelayed Blast FireballNPHB2307
Sulfur0.10 gpFireballNPHB2413
Sulfur0.10 gpFlame StrikeNPHB2425
Sumac Leaf1 gpFlame BladeNPHB2422
Sunstone20 gpSunburstNPHB2798
Sweet Oil, a drop1 gp per ounceMass SuggestionYPHB2796
Sweet Oil, a drop1 gp per ounceSuggestionYPHB2792
Talcum powder0.50 gp per poundSee InvisibilityYPHB2742
Tallow0.30 gp per poundFlaming SphereNPHB2422
Tarts0.15 gpTasha's Hideous LaughterNPHB2801
Tentacle of giant octopus or giant squid---Evard's Black TentaclesNPHB2484
Thorns0.10 gp per dozenWall of ThornsNPHB2876
Thorns, seven0.10 gp per dozenSpike GrowthNPHB2772
Thread0.10 gp per spoolMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614
Tiny Piece of Target Matter---CreationNPHB2295
Twig0.05 gpHallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494
Twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning25 gpWitch BoltNPHB2891
Umber Hulk Blood80 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486
Vessel to contain a Medium-sized creature2,000 gpCloneNPHB2228Urn, sarcophagus, coffin, etc.
Water---Armor of AgathysYPHB2151
Water---Conjure Elemental (Water)YPHB2255
Water---Control WaterYPHB2274
Water---Create Food and WaterNPHB2293
Water---Flesh to StoneYPHB2436
Water---Ice StormYPHB2524
Water---Sleet StormYPHB2763
Wire of fine silver1 gp per footAlarmNPHB2111
Wisp of Smoke---Gaseous FormYPHB2443
Wisp of Smoke---True PolymorphYPHB2669
Wood0.10 gpUnseen ServantNPHB2841
Wychwood5 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300
Yew Leaf1 gpDetect Poison and DiseaseNPHB2311

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