This set of plate mail armor was commissioned by the Banrion Ingrid Yyetsvelt of tuath Eoganath for the paladin Gen. Lyetson Honsweil during the war in 3260 to command her troops on the western front. Archamge Honrik Munstr created the armor to boost the general's command and leadership abilities, as he was regarded as a most non-personable individual and was well known for bumbling speeches, yet his fighting skills and military tactics were phenomenal and eventually helped the Ri to overcome his adversaries in the war. The paladin and his whereabouts were unknown after he vanished on a quest of Light from the Church of St. Cuthbert.
Platemail +1 (Order of Light's Disciple), Commanding Presence (Persuasion +1), Cursed. The armor loses its AC bonus if tarnished in any way. The wearer must keep it polished to military pristine condition. The wearer develops an obsessive compulsive disorder condition as long as he owns the armor.
The armor contains the crest of Eoganact, an etching of the snowflake within a shield's crest.
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