The assumption is that characters in combat are constantly exposing themselves to some risk; trying to get a clear view of a target or looking for the opening to make an attack. There are times, however, when this is not the case. Sometimes, the only thing a character wants to do is avoid being hit.

In order to make himself harder to hit, a character can parry as an action.  He can't attack, move beyond 5 foot, or cast spells. This frees the character to concentrate solely on defense. At this point, the character gains an AC bonus equal to half their level rounding down. A 7th-level wizard would have a +3 bonus to his AC (lowering his AC by 3). The minimum is a bonus of 2.

Note that the benefit is not a perfect all-around defense, and it's not effective against rear or missile attacks. It applies only to frontal melee or frontal thrown weapon attacks. This optional defense has no effect against magical attacks, so it wouldn't do anything to protect a character from the force of a lightning bolt or fireball, for example.

For those of you familiar with the fighter combat option maneuvers in OD&D, this rule replaces that rule.

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