All first level characters start with four non-weapon proficiencies.  Characters with an INT score of 13-15 get an additional one; if INT is 16-17 they get two additional; and if INT is 18, they get three additional. Skills are optional and are not required to play the game, but characters without using the skill option will not attempt skills.

Learning new skills
A character can begin learning a new skill at any time.  An attempt at the skill is made at a +4 penalty to the roll.  If they succeed at the skill attempt, then the next time they try the skill the penalty drops to +3 to the roll, and so on.  When the penalty gets to zero, the character has learned the skill to the best of their ability.  Skills cannot be tried over and over until successful, a respectable amount of time between attempts must be taken to reflect on the trial and mistakes in the attempt.

Choose from the following list for your first skills.  The skills are to be listed on the character sheet.

BlacksmithingAgricultureAlertnessAnimal HandlingEnduranceDisguise
CarpentryAnc. HistoryBlind FightingAnimal TrainingRunningEtiquette
JumpingAnc. LanguageBowyer or FletcherArtistic Ability Gaming
MountaineeringAnimal LoreCharioteeringDirection Sense Singing
MuscleAppraisingCheating (chaotic)Fire Starting Local History
CookingGem CuttingReligion
EngineeringJugglingRiding, Airborne
HeraldryMusical InstrumentRiding, Landbased
LeatherworkingQuick DrawWeather Sensing
Lip ReadingRope Use
Modern Lang.Seamanship
Read/WriteSet Snares
Science (type)Tightrope Walking
Spell craftTumbling
Survival (terrain)
Vet Healing

AgricultureBasics of farming.
AlertnessSurprise on a 1.  Wakes easily. Can swap weapons w/o losing initiative or dropping one
Ancient HistoryLearned of legends, lore, and history of some ancient time and place.
Anc. LanguageCan know an ancient language of given type.
Animal HandlingCalm an excited pack animal or beast of burden.  Otherwise 20% chance.
Animal TrainingChoose a type of animal. Obeys simple commands.
Animal LoreInterpret animal behaviour, imitate calls and cries, +2 tracking, +2 hunting, +2 trapping
AppraisingEstimate values of antiques, art, jewelry, gems, or other crafted items.
ArmorerCan make any type of armor. Not magical ones.
Can repair any armor.
Add the plus of magic to skill roll when repairing magic armor
Artistic AbilityChoose type.  Can create in type.
ArtilleryCan command the crew in the use of artillery (catapult or trebuchet, etc.)
Astrology+1 to navigation if stars available.  Insight to future limited to thirty days.
BlacksmithingMaking of most tools, and implements from iron. 
Can make non-quality armor/weapons.
Can repair armor and weapons.
Blind fightingSkill at fighting in the dark.  -2 instead of -4 to attacks.
Bowyer/FletcherCan make bows and arrows
BrewingAles, beers, and other strong drinks.
CarpentryWoodworking jobs.  Unusual or highly complex items created require a check
Cheating (chaotic)Winning at a type of game by deception or misdirection.
CobblingFootwear repair
CookingAn accomplished cook. check required for only a magnificent feast.
Direction SenseConcentrate 1d6 rounds, determine direction.  Less chance to get lost in woods.
DisguiseSelf-explained.  -7 to check if disguising as another race or sex.
EnduranceTakes twice as long to become exhausted with physical exertions.
EscapeAbility to get loose from bondage.
EngineeringCan prepare plans, oversee construction of small to grand things.
EtiquetteBasic understanding of proper forms of behaviour of court or similar construct.
Fire StartingTinderbox not required.  Adverse conditions, make a skill check w/penalties.
Fishinghook/line, spear, or net.  WIS score minus rolled score is number of fish caught.  Net scores three times the amount.
GamingKnows most commonly played games of chance and skill.
Gem Cutting1d10 stones per day.  Requires tools.  Refine uncut gemstones.
HealingFirst aid and doctoring knowledge. 1d3 restorative to recent wounds once. Increased healing rate to 2 hp per day under the care of a healer.
HeraldryIdentify crests and symbols of Glastrea
HerbalismIdentify plants and fungus, and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for pseudo-medical purposes.
HuntingStalk and bring down game in wilderness settings.
JumpingCan attempt exceptional leaps vertical or horizontal. Can attempt pole vault.
LeatherworkingCan work leather into bags, clothing, etc.  Can make and repair leather armor.  Cannot make magical armor.
Lip ReadingSelf-explained.
Local HistoryHistory of a region or small province. Tell stories of local flare.
MiningDetermine site (1 week).  Supervise operations.
MountaineeringGiven the gear, can climb steep slopes, cliffs, leges, etc.
MuscleExperienced with heavy lifting techniques.  +2 to STR open doors roll.
Musical InstrumentSelf-explained.  Select type.
NavigationAt sea, reduces the chance of getting lost by 20%.  Navigate by stars on land.
PotteryWork clay into vessels.  Requires wheel, kiln, supply of clay, and glaze.
Read/WriteCan read/write one language he can speak.
ReligionKnows the common beliefs/cults of their homeland and the major faiths of neighboring regions.
Riding, AirborneChoose type. See description in AD&D2E
Riding, LandbasedChoose type. See description in AD&D2E
Rope UseKnowledge of knots. -6 to skill roll to escape bonds.  -2 if Escape is also known.
RunningCan move at twice normal movement rate for a day.  Have to rest 8 hrs after.
ScienceChoose a type.
SeamanshipQualified to work as crew.  Does not convey navigation.
Set SnaresSelf-explained.
Spell-craftDetermine spell being cast.  1/2 chance of check to recognize magical construct
SurvivalChoose type environment in which the character knows survival techniques.
SwimmingAllows a character to swim.
Tightrope WalkingAttempt to fight (-5) or walk on ropes or beams.
VentriloquismCharacter can deceive an audience a voice spoke from elsewhere
Veterinary HealingLike that of healing, but for animals and monsters.
Weather senseCan make intelligent guesses about upcoming weather conditions.
WeaponsmithingCan make weapons of any type. Not magical ones.
Can repair any weapon.
Add the plus of magic to skill roll when repairing magic weapons
WeavingCan create garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton.  Requires the use of a loom.
WrestlingSuccess adds a +1 to the WR rating when wrestling.