Agriculture | Basics of farming. |
Alertness | Surprise on a 1. Wakes easily. Can swap weapons w/o losing initiative or dropping one |
Ancient History | Learned of legends, lore, and history of some ancient time and place. |
Anc. Language | Can know an ancient language of given type. |
Animal Handling | Calm an excited pack animal or beast of burden. Otherwise 20% chance. |
Animal Training | Choose a type of animal. Obeys simple commands. |
Animal Lore | Interpret animal behaviour, imitate calls and cries, +2 tracking, +2 hunting, +2 trapping |
Appraising | Estimate values of antiques, art, jewelry, gems, or other crafted items. |
Armorer | Can make any type of armor. Not magical ones. Can repair any armor. Add the plus of magic to skill roll when repairing magic armor |
Artistic Ability | Choose type. Can create in type. |
Artillery | Can command the crew in the use of artillery (catapult or trebuchet, etc.) |
Astrology | +1 to navigation if stars available. Insight to future limited to thirty days. |
Blacksmithing | Making of most tools, and implements from iron. Can make non-quality armor/weapons. Can repair armor and weapons. |
Blind fighting | Skill at fighting in the dark. -2 instead of -4 to attacks. |
Bowyer/Fletcher | Can make bows and arrows |
Brewing | Ales, beers, and other strong drinks. |
Carpentry | Woodworking jobs. Unusual or highly complex items created require a check |
Charioteering | Self-explained |
Cheating (chaotic) | Winning at a type of game by deception or misdirection. |
Cobbling | Footwear repair |
Cooking | An accomplished cook. check required for only a magnificent feast. |
Dancing | Self-explained |
Direction Sense | Concentrate 1d6 rounds, determine direction. Less chance to get lost in woods. |
Disguise | Self-explained. -7 to check if disguising as another race or sex. |
Endurance | Takes twice as long to become exhausted with physical exertions. |
Escape | Ability to get loose from bondage. |
Engineering | Can prepare plans, oversee construction of small to grand things. |
Etiquette | Basic understanding of proper forms of behaviour of court or similar construct. |
Fire Starting | Tinderbox not required. Adverse conditions, make a skill check w/penalties. |
Fishing | hook/line, spear, or net. WIS score minus rolled score is number of fish caught. Net scores three times the amount. |
Forgery | Self-explained |
Gaming | Knows most commonly played games of chance and skill. |
Gem Cutting | 1d10 stones per day. Requires tools. Refine uncut gemstones. |
Healing | First aid and doctoring knowledge. 1d3 restorative to recent wounds once. Increased healing rate to 2 hp per day under the care of a healer. |
Heraldry | Identify crests and symbols of Glastrea |
Herbalism | Identify plants and fungus, and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for pseudo-medical purposes. |
Hunting | Stalk and bring down game in wilderness settings. |
Juggling | Self-explained. |
Jumping | Can attempt exceptional leaps vertical or horizontal. Can attempt pole vault. |
Leatherworking | Can work leather into bags, clothing, etc. Can make and repair leather armor. Cannot make magical armor. |
Lip Reading | Self-explained. |
Local History | History of a region or small province. Tell stories of local flare. |
Mining | Determine site (1 week). Supervise operations. |
Mountaineering | Given the gear, can climb steep slopes, cliffs, leges, etc. |
Muscle | Experienced with heavy lifting techniques. +2 to STR open doors roll. |
Musical Instrument | Self-explained. Select type. |
Navigation | At sea, reduces the chance of getting lost by 20%. Navigate by stars on land. |
Pottery | Work clay into vessels. Requires wheel, kiln, supply of clay, and glaze. |
Read/Write | Can read/write one language he can speak. |
Religion | Knows the common beliefs/cults of their homeland and the major faiths of neighboring regions. |
Riding, Airborne | Choose type. See description in AD&D2E |
Riding, Landbased | Choose type. See description in AD&D2E |
Rope Use | Knowledge of knots. -6 to skill roll to escape bonds. -2 if Escape is also known. |
Running | Can move at twice normal movement rate for a day. Have to rest 8 hrs after. |
Science | Choose a type. |
Seamanship | Qualified to work as crew. Does not convey navigation. |
Seamstress/Tailor | Self-explained. |
Set Snares | Self-explained. |
Singing | Self-explained. |
Spell-craft | Determine spell being cast. 1/2 chance of check to recognize magical construct |
Stonemasonry | Self-explained. |
Survival | Choose type environment in which the character knows survival techniques. |
Swimming | Allows a character to swim. |
Tightrope Walking | Attempt to fight (-5) or walk on ropes or beams. |
Tumbling | Acrobatics. |
Ventriloquism | Character can deceive an audience a voice spoke from elsewhere |
Veterinary Healing | Like that of healing, but for animals and monsters. |
Weather sense | Can make intelligent guesses about upcoming weather conditions. |
Weaponsmithing | Can make weapons of any type. Not magical ones. Can repair any weapon. Add the plus of magic to skill roll when repairing magic weapons |
Weaving | Can create garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton. Requires the use of a loom. |
Wrestling | Success adds a +1 to the WR rating when wrestling. |