A character with the healing or herbalism proficiency who gets to a character within one round of wounding may restore 4 points with a successful check.
Each round that healing is delayed reduces the healing by 1 point.
A person under the care of someone with the healing or herbalism proficiency heals as normal. Additionally though, any CON bonus the person being healed has can be added to the total points healed per day with a sucessful skill check.
Any healing spell may be cast out of combat as a healing chant, taking 1 round per hit point healed per spell level. (2 round for a 2nd level spell, etc) So cure light wounds may be cast as a light wounds chant and heal the full 8 points, with no need to roll, if the chant is interrupted the healing does not occur.
A normal magical healing potion will close wounds to stabilize a character, even if the healing power of it does not get them above zero hit points.
A light healing potion will heal 5-8 hitpoints (1d4+4) and cannot be divided.
A heavy healing potion will heal 15-24 hit points (3d4+12) and can be split into three portions. Each portion heals as if a light healing potion.
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