Earn Experience
As characters go through a lot of adventures, they gradually get better and better at what they do. Everyone learns to fight better (especially fighters). Everyone learns to withstand damage better (more hit points and better saving throws), and so forth. This is all accomplished through the use of experience points and experience levels.
As the story progresses, your character will receive experience point awards. These are doled out and a certain amount for certain things.
Being an online play by post game, Tales of Adventurers is a little different to a table top game in many ways. First, it's much, much slower -- a lot slower since we have a post of 3-5 times per week. Second, it requires a lot more dedication and effort from its players over the long term. In that light, that effort is rewarded with experience points for their characters to give that sense of accomplishment and progression in the course of real time.
Awards Table |
Individual Awards |
Courtesy Award | Characters receive an individual award for simply posting. 1st paragraph max is 5XP. The second paragraph is max 10xp, and so on with each paragraph. XP value increases a hundred fold every ten levels. No 10% bonus to the bonus xp for participation. |
Skills Award | When a character describes the use of a skill and brings it to life |
Flavor Award | An individual XP award for creative writing that enhances the GM's world or story arc |
Clever Award | An individual award. If you surprise the GM with some cleverness, meaning, coming up with some good solution to a problem, or finding an unexpected way out of a trap |
Brilliance Award | An individual award. When a character comes up with one of those truly special posts (maybe a character who fancies themself a bard actually tells a story, or a cleric runs a ceremony in-character) then I will award extra experience points |
Group Awards |
Treasure Award | A group award when magical items are sold. Mundane items do not count toward this amount |
Combat Award | A group award given for defeating monsters. This is usually tallied at the end of an encounter |
Chapter Award | A group award given for making a milestone in the story. Usually, these milestones indicate the end of a chapter and the beginning of the next |
Adventure Award | A group award given for the completion of the main task in the current adventure or story arc |
Last edited by Jhaelin, October 04 2024 22:55:06. Secured game article. You most log in to contribute.