This decanter is made from the composite sands of the tuath Connachta. It is from this region that the yellow crystal comes.  The stoppered decanter is the size of a large wine bottle with a wide neck.  It stands eighteen inches tall and has a handle for pouring.  No water flows unless a command word is given.  The command words give type of water and strength of the flow.  The command words are: Salty, Fresh, Stream, Fountain, Geyser, and Cease.  Salty and Fresh are self explanatory.  Stream allows water to flow at one gallon per round.  Fountain allows for five gallons per round, and Geyser allows for thirty gallons per round.  Note that the Geyser causes considerable back pressure, and the holder must be well braced or be knocked over.  If the Geyser is activated while the decanter is sitting on a hard surface, there is the possibility of it breaking.

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