The wearer of these boots has a base movement of 180'/min (30/rnd), regardless of size.  They may stride in as little as a minute at that rate up to a duration equal to their CON score in hours per day, but after each stride the boots no longer function for the same duration to recharge.

The boots allow the wearer to make great leaps.  The wearer can make a running forward jump of up to 30 feet, standing backward leaps of 9 feet, and vertical spring of 15 feet.

The boots confer a bonus to AC by 1 due to the increased mobility in movement.

Springing and Leaping do not require a "recharge" of the boots.

Home Brewed Rule
If initiative permits, the wearer may attack then leap spring away, but at a risk of stumbling and stunning themselves. It is a base 20% in light armor, Medium armor is +30%, and Heavy armor is +40%, -3% per point of STR above 12.  There is zero chance of stumbling or stunning if wearing no armor.

Encumbrance can overcome the magic of the boots, reducing the movement rate and distances accordingly.  A greatly overburdened wearer cannot leap as high, as far, or move as fast.

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