Deafened Characters
A character made deaf by magic (a curse or horn of blasting, for example) is certainly inconvenienced. Since he cannot hear, he will miss many warnings shouted at him by his allies (the deaf character should make a save vs. death ray; if he fails, he is facing the wrong way when the warning is called). A curse of deafness would be cured by a remove curse spell, while deafness caused by a horn of blasting could be cured by a cure-all or heal spell.
Furthermore, spells requiring a verbal component will require a save vs death ray for completion.
Blinded Characters
Character can be blinded by a variety of effects. A character who is completely blind, for whatever reason, suffers a -4 penalty to all saving throws, a -6 penalty to all attack rolls, and a +4 penalty to his armor class for the duration of his blindness.
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