In many fantasy and adventure novels and movies, characters can fight with two weapons, carrying one weapon in each hand.

In this situation, a character who carries a weapon in each hand gets one additional attack per combat round. Both attacks take place during his hand-to-hand combat phase, one after the other. The attacker can decide each round which weapon he uses first and which he uses second. The second attack is at a penalty of -4 to hit (but not to damage).

Home-Brew Rule
The use of two weapons in combat drops any skilled level with either weapon to basic.  To obtain a skill level above basic, one must spend a slot in Dual Weapon use for a specific set of weapons.  Then, the character can utilize the skill perks with both weapons.  One cannot have a skill level in Dual Weapon use that is higher than the skill level of the weapon being used.

Large weapons cannot be dual wielded.  Two-handed weapons cannot be dual wielded, even with enhanced strength. A potion of Enlargement combined with enhanced STR above 18 will allow for dual weapon use with large or two-handed weapons, but at basic skill level.

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