The Guild of Bakers and Cooks
The Guild of Bakers and Cooks takes great pride in maintaining the Falcarrah's reputation as the gastronomic capital of the known world. The flow of trade through Falcarrah ensures that guildmembers always have access to the best and the rarest of Oerth's produce, and it is not unknown for the guild to finance expeditions in conjunction with the Merchants' and Traders' Union to seek out and secure supplies of exotic ingredients.
The master of the guild is chosen each year from the guild membership at the great gastronomic festival held at the Bakers' and Cooks' Guildhall on the last three days of Brewfest. Gourmets from neighboring regions flock to Falcarrah and a panel of judges selects the winner in each of the categories.
Last edited by Jhaelin, July 15 2024 04:30:10. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.