The Guild of Apothecaries and Herbalists
Not every citizen can afford priestly healing, and the Guild of Apothecaries and Herbalists holds the license to practice chirurgery, concoct herbal remedies, and mix a wide variety of drugs.
The present membership totals 140, of which 86 are apothecaries and 54 herbalists. Generally regarded as cranks and frauds by the upper echelons of Falcarrah society, most of the guild members derive their income from the sale of love philters and wart-removing cream to the denizens of the Lower Ward.
The Guild of Apothecaries and Herbalists is known to purchase rare herbs from adventurers. Because many of its concoctions contain a bewildering array of bizarre ingredients, the guild can be a useful source of spell components for those who, for whatever reasons, would rather not obtain them from the Guild of Wizardry.
Last edited by Jhaelin, July 15 2024 04:29:15. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.