Auntie Ayan's Little Potion Shop
In a non-descript shop off of an alley, painted a dark shade of green, this small shop sits in the middle of the block. Inside everything is neat and clean, with everything in it's place. On the wall behind the main counter of the shop is a sign that reads, "Proud retailer of magical things for Chemcheaux No.223". Various potions, vials, pots, copper tubing and glass vial line shelves with easy to read labeling. Behind the counter is an aged woman, rather short and bent over a bit, greying hair with bright green eyes and a mole on the end of her chin. She wears a dull green dress, freshly pressed and clean with an apron over it. If you need it, she can get it in a few days!
Last edited by Jhaelin, July 15 2024 04:28:50. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.