The Union of Sages and Academics

This union is a loose confederation of sages and academics who form the basis for tutelage at the University of Falcarrah. Unlike many of the other guilds and unions within the city, The Sages' and Academics' Union has no monopoly, and the majority of the union's membership consist s of those who merely partake of the sumptuous feasts on each of the city's festival days.

The University is closed for summer vacation between the first day of Richfest and the first day of Brewfest, during which period the majority of the union's membership leave the city to undertake research for a variety of rich patrons. During the academic year, some 1,000 students swell the population of Falcarrah, mostly living in rooms and apartments in the Clerk's district. Since most of these students are well off, and since the sages bring other wealthy persons into Falcarrah seeking consultations, the University pays only nominal taxes to the city coffers. The sages are typically unworldly men, not given to involvement in politics, which they regard as vulgar.

Since the sages and savants of Falcarrah are the most knowledgeable in the the tuath Infocla, the commissioning payee may assume that the University has a sage who could answer virtually any query, on any subject, or retrieve that information. They have money (and lots of it), and a remarkable patience with stubbornness and cantankerous temperaments. Sages often view answering such queries as something they only do for the money, and they're also used to talking down to students.