Important locales in Falcon's Hollow town limits are listed here.
Goose'n'Gander: Local general store is run by the only gnome known to exist in the region. He goes by Brickasnurd Hildrinsock by the humans. His real name is much to long and difficult to pronounce for every other race, with exception perhaps to some human sages and dragons of course. This store sells everything from standard amenities such as grain, lamp oil, ink, and mining supplies, to such rare oddities as alchemist's fire, antitoxins, a petrified pseudo-dragon, and taxidermy nixies (all the rage on the perch this season).
Hollow Tribunal: This is where the diminutive halfling Magistrate Vamros Harg dispenses merchant licenses, stamps mining and lumber claims, and passes judgment on criminal and civil cases. Most Falconers enjoy the irony of the Hollow Tribunal's name, since the justice meted out there is rarely equitable. The fact that Harg is firmly in Gavel Kreed's pocket is well known, but it is rarely uttered in public by those who value their lives.
Jak'a'Napes: This leaning ramshackle inn located next to the town's stables offers lodgings and food to the many travelers who pass through Falcon's Hollow. The owner, a rotund red-faced human named Jak Crimmy, with a single wisp of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head, is a retired bard who sports an easy smile. Jak's cinnamon-crusted flapjacks are legendary in town, as is his skill at juggling frying pans and his astonishing marksmanship
with a heavy crossbow (Jak is a man of many talents).
Quinn's Carnival: Half-elf Namdrin Quinn led a band of veteran adventurers who used to venture into the vale with frequency. After a particularly dangerous quest claimed the life
of Namdrin's wife, Tess, the half-elf ended his career and established this carnival of wonders on the edge of town. Quinn and his companions wow crowds with feats of skill and magic by night, but rumor has it that after the tents close Namdrin and his merry band entreat with dark fey, whose anger mounts at the constant lumbering incursions into the vale. Some say the carnival owner spies for the vengeful fey, who plan retribution and murder. Of course, it could be that certain people just don't like half-elves. They are, after-all, an abomination of nature according to humans and elf alike.
The Rouge Lady: The silk-veiled parlors in the back of this burlesque and gambling
hall doubles as an illegal brothel. Kabran Bloodeye owns this illicit pleasure den.
The Sitting Duck: Located a little too close for many folks' comfort to the town palisade, the Duck is the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions looking for excitement. The tavern serves a potent local brew of fermented darkwood leaf that can floor an ogre in a few tankards. Raucous games of "knivesies" and "mig-a-mug-tug" (two dangerous local recreational activities both with a high rate of maiming) often rage late into the night. Many adventurers share tales of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar's Crag, and other surrounding locations for the price of a mug of ale.
Last edited by Jhaelin, July 15 2024 03:13:28. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.