The Nine Heroes
The nine primary deities of The Three Worlds, mortals who defeated the corrupt Seven and now sit as exemplars of The Hero's Paths.
The Seven Devils
The creators of mortalkind and former rulers of The Perfect World and The Three Worlds, corrupted by their flaws and cast down into The Seven Hells for their atrocities.
The Tempest Djinn
Powerful elemental spirits who traveled the Ten Thousand Wonders with The First Child, and taught the mortal races many skills and trades. Chained by The Seven, they were freed by The Nine and now explore The Three Worlds.
The Old Gods
The primordial forces that shaped Creation out of The Howling Storm.
The Stars of Ill-Omen
Celestial objects among the Ten Thousand Wonders situated near cracks in The Crystal Sphere that separates Creation from The Far Realm, awakened to sentience and unbearable existential dread by Cacophony and manipulating mortals to hasten their end (perhaps taking all of Creation with them).
The Demon Princes
Lords of The Abyss and rulers of Demons, bent on finishing the work of Cacophony, The Howling Storm and tearing down all of reality.