Unless noted otherwise, all racial feats that grant you abilities treat your total hit dice as your caster level and use DC10 + 1/2 your HD + noted ability modifier as the DCs to resist.
All creatures that have DR/- adjust it to be 1/4 its total hit dice.
Creatures with DR against rare things like adamantine, chaotic, epic, evil, force, good, lawful, orichalcum, platinum, quicksilver, or star ore, change the DR to half their hit dice.
Creatures with DR against uncommon things like cold, cold iron, darkwood, electricity, fire, gold, mithril, or silver, change the DR to 3/4 their hit dice.
Creatures with DR against common things like bludgeoning, iron, magic, piercing, slashing, stone, or wood change the DR to their full hit dice.
FLAWSYou can take racial flaws at 1st level, up to a maximum of 3. Each time you take a flaw, it gives you a bonus racial feat.
Resistance comes in three forms: minor, major, and immunity. Minor resistance to something gives you +2 to saves against it and damage resistance against that damage type (if any) equal to your hit dice and you're immune entirely if the effect's tier is 2 or more lower than half your level-2. Major resistance is +4 and twice your hit dice and you're immune entirely if the effect's tier is equal to or lower than half your level. Immunity is +6 and triple your hit dice and you're immune entirely if the effect's tier is equal to or lower than half your level+2.
"Mythic" tiers/ranks are the equivalent to 1 level. +1 CR from templates is equivalent to +1.5 levels per +1 CR. An effect's level is based on caster level.
Aquatic (4 RP): You gain the Aquatic subtype, Amphibious trait, a swim speed of 30 feet, a +4 racial bonus on Athletics checks made to swim, and use your level instead of your Athletics rank for Athletics checks made to swim.
Breath Weapon (2 RP): You must have the Elemental Origins trait to gain this one. You gain a 30-foot cone breath weapon that deals 1d6 damage per 4 HD you posses of the same type as your immunity (minimum 1d6, Reflex halves). It also leaves a cloud of dust, mist, smoke, or similar material that blocks view as if by obscuring mist for 1 minute. If you take this a second time it increases to 1d6 per 3 HD and functions as fog cloud. You can use this breath weapon only once every 1d4 rounds. DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod.
Change Shape (Su)(3 RP): You can assume a human form unique to you as per alter self and a specific animal form of the same size as your natural form as per beast shape II. These effects do not adjust ability scores unless altering your size. Your animal form resembles your natural form. For example, a unicorn would turn into a normal horse and a kitsune bakemono would turn into a normal fox.
Charger (2 RP): When you take the Charge action, you get a +4 bonus to the attack and damage rolls instead of just +2 to attack.
Cryptid (2 RP) (Su): You gain the cryptid subtype. Cryptids can be treated as animal, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid any effect, as determined by the creator of the effect. They have a +2 racial bonus to saves against anything that any of these types are immune to.
Dragon (6 RP) (Su): You gain the dragon subtype and speak Draconic as your base language. You also gain a bite attack, claw attack, and natural armor included in the RP cost of this trait.
Elemental Origins (4 RP): You gain the air, cold, earth, fire, or water subtype (pick one). You are adapted to that elemental plane, gain one immunity and vulnerability based on your selection, and gain plane shift as a spell-like ability only to that plane and back to the material plane. Air (Immune Electricity, Vulnerable Acid), Cold (Immune Cold, Vulnerable Fire), Earth (Immune Acid, Vulnerable Sonic), Fire (Immune Fire, Vulnerable Cold), Water (Immune Acid, Vulnerable Electricity). If you take this trait a second time, you can also travel to and from the astral and ethereal planes and gain resistance to one energy type of your choice equal to half your level. You cannot select the one you're vulnerable to.
Extra Legs (5 RP): You increase your base speed by 5 feet, gain Run as a racial feat, and increase your racial bonus to CMD against attempts to forcibly move you to +6.
Glide Speed (2 RP): You have a glide speed of 30 feet. Glide speed function as a clumsy fly speed except you cannot use it to move upward and descent 5 feet per round at the end of your turn (this doesn't count against your movement). If you take this trait twice, it becomes a fly speed. Every additional time its taken, you improve the speed by 20 feet or improve the maneuverability by one step (your choice).
Great Endurance (1 RP): You gain a +4 racial bonus to Constitution checks made resist nonlethal damage from continually flying, running, swimming, or other committing a forced march.
Magic Circle (3 RP): If good aligned, you gain magic circle against evil as a spell-like ability but can only target yourself. If evil, you gain magic circle against good. If lawful neutral, you gain magic circle against chaos. If chaotic neutral, you gain magic circle against law. If true neutral, you gain magic circle against extremism which functions as all these circles but doesn't work against creatures with at least 1 neutral alignment. If you take this a second time, it becomes a constant supernatural effect around you active at all times.
Magical Strikes (1 RP): Your natural attacks are always treated as magical. At 6th level, this applies even to weapons you use. At 11th your natural weapons are treated as whatever alignment you are (chaotic, evil, good, and/or lawful). At 16th level this also applies to weapons you wield.
Medium (-4 RP) (Su): You are medium-sized instead of large, losing the +2 Str and -2 Dex from your ability adjustments and the increased damage die for being large. Your carrying capacity drops from x3 to x2 and your speed increase drops from +20 feet to +10 feet.
Natural Armor (Ex)(2 RP): You gain +1 natural armor. Each additional time you take this your natural armor increases by 2.
Natural Weapon (Ex)(1 RP): You gain a bite or gore attack dealing 1d6 piercing damage, claw or talon attack dealing 1d6 slashing damage, or a slam, hoof, or headbutt attack dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage. This can be taken multiple times to get multiple attacks.
Pass without a Trace (Su)(2 RP): You are permanently affected by pass without trace using your level as your caster level. You can bestow this effect on others who remain within 30 feet of you while it is active or suppress or reactivate this ability at will.
Pounce & Rake (2 RP): You gain a bite attack dealing 1d4 piercing damage and claw attacks dealing 1d4 slashing damage. If you already have either of these attacks, you gain Improved Natural Attack as a racial feat for them instead. The second time you take this you gain the Pounce universal monster ability. The third time you take this you gain the Rake universal monster ability applying your claws.
Scent (4 RP): You gain the Scent universal monster ability.
Speed (2 RP): You must have a climb or swim speed to select this trait. If you have both, both speed increases by 10 feet to a maximum equal to your land speed. If you have only one of these speeds, it increases by 20 feet to maximum equal to your land speed. You can take this trait twice stacking its benefits.
Sprint (1 RP): You gain the Sprint universal monster ability allowing you to run at double your normal run multiplier (x8 instead of x4) once per hour. If you have the Run feat these multipliers change to x10 and x5 respectively.
Spikes (2 RP): With a snap of your mane or tail, you can loose a volley of four spikes as 2 actions (make an attack roll for each spike). This attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. You can use this ability only up to 3 + Con mod times per day. Each spike deals 1d6 piercing damage plus Str mod.
Territory Magic (Sp)(2 RP): By spending 1 year living in a particular forest or similar territory, you gain affinity to it. You can have only 1 territory. If you gain an affinity for more territories than this limit, you lose your oldest affinities until you're within this limit. You can use dimension door as a spell-like ability but only to and from locations within your territories. If you take this a second time it improves to function like teleport and allows you to have up to 3 territories at a time. If you take this a third time, it improves to function like greater teleport and allows you to have up to a number of territories at a time equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Unicorn Magic (Sp)(2 RP): You must be magical beast or fey. You cannot be true neutral. You gain spell-like abilities based on your alignment:
- Chaotic Neutral: detect law, dancing lights
- Evil: detect good, penumbra
- Good: detect evil, light
- Lawful Neutral: detect chaos, dancing lights
Wild Empathy (2 RP): You gain Skill Focus (Handle Animal) as a racial feat. If you gain this feat from another source, you get a +2 racial bonus to Handle Animal checks instead. This otherwise replaces the Druid's Wild Empathy ability since anyone can use Handle Animal to do what that ability does.