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Overseers are alien monstrosities that appear like octopuses floating upside down in the air with one huge eye on their body and dozens of small eyeballs at the end of their many tendrils.
Abilities: -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis
Types: Overseers are medium protozoids with the aberration subtype.
Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision
Aberration Subtype (1 RP): Aberrations have alien minds and strange anatomies. Critical confirmation rolls against them have disadvantage and Will saves they make against mind-affecting and emotion effects created by creatures that are not outsiders, mythic, or aberrations have advantage. A successful Knowledge check to identify them negates these benefits.
Floating Eyes (7 RP) (Su): Overseers have no limbs but have mage hand as a spell-like ability and a supernatural perfect fly speed of 30 feet. Unlike normal mage hand, they can use this effect to wield and manipulate items as if they had two arms.
Gaze (Su)(6 RP): Overseers each have a unique set of three 1st-level attack spells that they cast out of their eyes.
Many Eyes (Su): +4 racial bonus to sight-based Perception checks but also -4 penalty to visual effects that are not illusions.
Natural Armor (2 RP): +1 natural armor.Last edited by arkrim, February 09 2024 01:41:47. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.
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