Prerequisites: Constitution 13+; One of the following types: Construct, Fungus, Homonculus, Plant, Revenant, or Undead.
Benefit: You gain minor resistance to bleed equal to half your level and are permanently treated as if under the effects of an endure elements spell with a caster level equal to your level as a supernatural ability. If you're already resistant to bleed, you gain 1 tier better resistance (max immunity). If you're already immune to bleed, you also increase your resistance to cold and electricity by 1 tier.
Special: This can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack to a maximum of immunity.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13+; Revenant or Undead.
Benefit: You gain Nature's Ally I-III as spell-like abilities. Taking this a second grants IV-VI and a third time grants you VII-IX. You can only use it to summon nocturnal carnivores and nocturnal hemovores and can only use the spell levels no greater than half your hit dice, rounded up.
Prerequisites: Revenant or Undead.
Benefit: You can only eat creatures of the same type as you were in life. Taking this twice requires you to eat the same race OR makes your hunger ravenous, requiring you to kill a creature every night. Taking this a third time applies both the penalties as the second time.
Prerequisites: Revenant or Undead; Vampiric feat or Vampire.
Benefit: You are unable to willingly enter a building or residence without permission from a resident who does not suffer from this curse. You are dazzled and staggered 1 while inside such a place without permission. Once you get permission, you negate these penalties for 24 hours or until you leave, whichever occurs later.
Prerequisites: DEX 13, Celestial, Djinni, or Draconic bloodline or similar bloodline that grants flight at later levels and has a limited per day ability at 1st level.
Benefit: You can expend 1 use of Claws, Electricity Ray, or Heavenly Fire, as an immediate or swift action to gain one of following benefits for 1 minute:
- At 1st sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the jump spell.
- At 3rd sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the feather fall spell.
- At 6th sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the levitate spell.
- At 9th sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the glide spell.
- At 12th sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the fly spell.
- At 15th sorcerer level, you are affected as if by the overland flight spell for 10 minutes (instead of 1 minute).
- At 18th level, the duration of all these effects increases to 10 minutes except overland flight which increases to 2 hours.
Prerequisites: Construct, Homonculi, Revenant, or Undead.
Benefit: Pick a damage type you're not already vulnerable or resistant to. Whenever dealt damage of that type, you take +50% more damage.
Special: This can be taken multiple times but never applies to the same damage type.
Prerequisites: Constitution 15+, Skeletal Body.
Benefit: When dealt precision damage or damaged by a called shot or critical hit, you can halve all damage dealt but not other effects of it. Instead of the damage you suffer a random effect as if by a called shot resulting from a lost body part such as an eye, hand, or leg. The body part falls off in your space. You can pick up the body part (1 action) and place it back where it belongs (1 action) instantly regaining all its functions and removing the negative effects of losing it.
Prerequisites: Air subtype, Revenant subtype, or Undead type.
Benefit: You gain Windy Escape as a spell-like ability. If you take this feat a second time, you also gain Gaseous Form as a spell-like ability. Unlike the normal spells, you gain DR/area effects instead of DR/magic. If you use Windy Escape while already in Gaseous Form, it doubles the DR/area effects against the triggering attack. If you take a 3rd time, your perfect fly speed while in Gaseous Form increases to 30 feet and your DR/area effects increases to equal 10 or your HD, whichever is better.
Prerequisites: Strength 13; Construct, Homunculus, Revenant, or Undead; must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You have a 20-foot climb speed and 10-foot burrow speed. You use your level instead of rank for Athletics checks made to climb and have a +4 racial bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
Type: Innate, Flaw
Prerequisites: Revenant subtype or Undead type, Evil alignment.
Effect: You are dazzled while within 5 feet of a holy symbol or while on a consecrated area or other type of holy ground. If a living creature within 30 feet brandishes the holy symbol (1 action) you are demoralized 1 and staggered 1 for 1 round. A Will save vs. DC10 + brandisher's HD + brandisher's Charisma modifier reduces the staggered condition by 1. If that creature is a true believer in the faith of the holy symbol, this worsens to demoralized 2 and staggered 2.
Type: Innate
Prerequisites: Constitution 15+, any resistance granted by racial traits or racial feats.
Benefit: All resistances you have granted by racial traits or racial feats increase to equal half your level or increase by +2, whichever is better.
Type: Innate
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Homonculus or Revenant subtype.
Benefit: You gain 1 natural weapon of your choice from the list below.
- Bite: Deals 1d4 piercing + Grab - The first bite attack you hit with on your turn grants you a free grapple attempt against the target immediately after you hit and before you make any additional attacks or actions.
- Claws: Deals 1d4 slashing + Rend - If you hit a target with more than one claw attack on your turn, each claw attack after the first deals an additional 1d4 bleed damage.
- Gore: Deals 1d4 piercing + Bull Rush - The first gore attack you hit with on your turn grants you a free bull rush attempt against the target immediately after you hit and before you make any additional attacks or actions. If you make a gore attack as part of a charge the +2 bonus for charging also applies to this combat maneuver.
- Headbutt: Deals 1d6 bludgeoning + Bull Rush - The first headbutt attack you hit with on your turn grants you a free bull rush attempt against the target immediately after you hit and before you make any additional attacks or actions. If you make a gore attack as part of a charge the +2 bonus for charging also applies to this combat maneuver.
- Slam: Deals 1d6 bludgeoning + Trip - The first slam attack you hit with on your turn grants you a free trip attempt against the target immediately after you hit and before you make any additional attacks or actions. If you make a slam attack as part of a charge the +2 bonus for charging also applies to this combat maneuver.
- Sting: Deals 1d4 piercing + Impale - The first sting attack you hit with on your turn grants you a free grapple attempt against the target immediately after you hit and before you make any additional attacks or actions.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13+, Homonculus or Revenant.
Benefit: When you are affected by any effect that is not a divination, emotion, enchantment, illusion, mind-affecting, or language dependent effect, there is a 25% chance it treats you as a construct (if homonculus) or an undead (if revenant) instead of a humanoid, regardless of the creator's intent. This feat's effects do not apply when you are the creator of the effect.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack to a maximum of 100% the fourth time it is taken.
<smallcaps>MIMICRY [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Cha 13; Shapechanger or any polymorph spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability.
Benefit: You can mimic the voices of others you've heard with near perfect accuracy. When you use a polymorph effect, you can perfectly mimic individuals you've observed before including specific details like scars, moles, birthmarks, accents, voice, bodily movements, etc. This grants you a +4 racial bonus to checks made to impersonate them such as bluff, disguise, and use magic device checks when doing so.
<smallcaps>MIND READING [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Int 13; Shapechanger.
Benefit: You gain detect thoughts as a spell-like ability.
<smallcaps>PERFECT MIMICRY [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Cha 15; Mimicry, Shapechanger or any polymorph spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability.
Benefit: When you transform into another creature that you've ever observed using armor, weapons, shields, spell trigger items, or spell completion items proficiently, you are also proficient with those items while transformed as them as if you had the feats for it and had the spells on your spell list. Your caster level is equal to its racial Hit Dice.
<smallcaps>POLYMORPHIC ATAVISM [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Polymorphic.
Benefit: You gain 4 additional RP-worth of polymorphic traits from your race's polymorphic trait selection.
Special: This can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
<smallcaps>SKELETAL BODY [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13; Construct, Homonculus, Revenant or Undead; must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You have a skeletal body making you immune to bleed and poison and giving you DR/brutal strikes equal to your level. All attacks made with melee weapons dealing bludgeoning damage and melee weapons that are two-handed for your size or larger are considered brutal strikes. However, you are also treated as 1 size smaller than you actually are for the purposes of effects that forcibly move, hold, or knock you down such as gust of wind or combat maneuvers made against you (but not combat maneuvers you make).
<smallcaps>SPAWN UNDEAD [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Revenant or Undead.
Benefit: You gain Animate Dead as a spell-like ability. If you take this a second time, you also gain Create Undead as a spell-like ability but can only create one type of undead, typically whichever is most similar to you. If you take this a third time, you also gain Create Greater Undead as a spell-like ability but face the same restriction. If you take this a fourth time, you can use them to create any type of undead listed in the spell description.
<smallcaps>SUMMON SWARM [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Revenant or Undead.
Benefit: You gain Summon Swarm as a spell-like ability. If you take this a second time, you also gain Insect Plague as a spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Revenant or Undead, must be taken at 1st level.
Effect: You gain Light Blindness. If you already have Light Blindness, you are also Staggered 2 while in bright daylight. The second time you take this flaw, you lose 1 hit point per level per round and light effects that deal damage deal +50% damage to you (if any). If you take this weakness a third time, you lose 1d6 hit points per level instead of 1.
<smallcaps>TUNNELING [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Strength 13, Homonculus or Revenant subtype, Ghoulish Body.
Benefit: Your climb and burrow speed from Ghoulish Body increase to at least half your base speed including half any enhancement bonuses you have to it. When you burrow, you can choose to leave behind tunnels equal to your size that last for up to 1 hour before they collapse unless stabilized with support per normal mining procedures.
<smallcaps>VAMPIRIC [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Charisma 13, Revenant or Undead, must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You have a +4 racial bonus to disguise as a living creature and are always automatically disguised. You can suppress or reactivate this effect as 1 action, but it is disabled while starving, dehydrated, fatigued, or exhausted. You have charm person as a spell-like ability and a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. If you already have a bite attack, your bite attack improves dealing an additional 1d6 bleed damage to victims that are flat-footed, grappled, helpless, or pinned. However, you gain the Light Blindness trait.
<smallcaps>VAMPIRIC BITE [RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Bite attack, and undead, revenant or carnivorous.
Benefit: Your bite attack deals an additional 1d6 bleed damage to victims that are flat-footed, grappled, helpless, or pinned (stacks with Vampiric feat). When you deal bleed damage with a bite attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to half the bleed damage dealt that last for up to 1 hour or until depleted. Remember, temporary hit points from multiple sources (including multiple bites) don't stack.
<smallcaps>WATER VULNERABILITY [FLAW, RACIAL]</smallcaps>
Prerequisites: Revenant or Undead, cannot be aquatic.
Effect: You treat running water like acid, taking damage from it (20d6 if submerged, 5d6 if partial, 1d6 if splashed). Still water deals half damage.
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