Homunculi are a type of artificial lifeform created through magic. They are much like golems except that they possess sapient intelligence and a lot of humanoid features and weaknesses.
Homunculus Innate Traits (RP 12)
Abilities: +2 Int, +2 Con, -2 Cha. Small-sized homunculi also get -2 Str and +2 Dex. Large-sized homunculi also get +2 Str, -2 Dex, and increased carrying capacity, reach, and weapon damage but cost 7 more RP (19 total).
Type: Homunculi are medium, small, or large humanoids with the Homunculus subtype.
Language: Homunculi speak Common. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose any language it wants (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision
Speed (-2 RP): Land 20 feet
Chassis (1 RP): Homunculi can attach worn items to their chassis by spending twice the normal time needed to don them. Doing this makes the item immune to being disarmed, stolen, or otherwise removed from them unless it is broken or removed using a method that takes twice as long as normal to remove. While fastened this way, armor doesn't hinder their rest.
Homunculus Subtype (5 RP): Creatures with the homunculus subtype can be treated as a construct or their actual type for the purposes of feat prerequisites and all other effects, as determined by the effect's creator. They have a +2 innate bonus to saves against any effect that constructs are immune to.
Self-sustaining (5 RP): Homunculi don't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but still go into a meditative trance for 2 hours a day to recover. This functions as the No Breath trait and a Ring of Sustenance.
Homunculus Variations
Android: Some homunculi are built with advanced technology rather than magic. They have the Robotic subtype and are always treated as a construct for the purposes of healing effects and as technological devices for the purposes of effects that can affect technological items differently than other objects. When interacting with a robotic creature, Craft (Mechanics)/Mechanics is uses instead of Heal/Medicine and and Knowledge (Engineering) is used instead of Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Geography, Nature).
Tiny Homunculus (+4 RP): Some homunculi were created to be tiny-sized familiars, changing their ability adjustments to +4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, -4 Str, and -2 Cha, reduce their base speed by 10 feet, and add one of the following traits:
- Wings: 20-foot poor fly speed.
- Camouflage: Ability to cast Vanish (self only) as an innate spell.