A dryad is a tree nymph or tree spirit. Often their life force was connected to the tree in which they resided and they were usually found in sacred groves of the gods. They are considered to be very shy creatures except around those known to be a friend.
Abilities: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int
Types: Dryads are either medium or small humanoids with the plant and shapechanger subtypes.
Speed (-2 RP): Land 20 feet
Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision
Languages: Dryads speak Sylvan. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose any language it wants (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Change Shape (Su)(3 RP): Dryads can assume a plant form of their same size per tree shape.
Photosynthesis: You breath carbon dioxide and eat soil and must spend at least 8 hours a day in daylight to gain the benefits of rest. This doesn't affect your stats except in rare circumstances (ex. how fast you run out of air while sharing a room with non-photosynthetic air breathers).
Plant Subtype (2 RP) (Su): Creatures with the plant subtype can be treated as a plant or their actual type, as determined by the creator of the effect. They have a +2 racial bonus to saves against anything that any of these types are immune to.
Shapechanger (1 RP) (Su): Creatures with the shapechanger subtype can use a single action to dispel any morph or polymorph effects affecting them using their level as the caster level to do so.
Unassuming Foliage (2 RP): You gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks in areas with a lot of plants of your size or where plants similar in appearance to you commonly grow.
Verdant Burst (1 RP): When slain, you explode in a burst of fertile energies. All plant creatures within 30 feet of your body heal hit 1d8 + your HD hit points, and non-creature plants quickly infest the area. If the terrain can support these plants, the undergrowth is dense enough to make the region into difficult terrain for 24 hours, after which the plant life diminishes to a normal level; otherwise, this plant life has no significant effect on movement and withers and dies within an hour.
Polymorphism (4 RP): Each dryad is unique and has 6 RP worth of the following traits:
- Agile (2 RP): You gain Skill Focus (Acrobatics) as a bonus racial feat. If you gain this feat from another source, you get a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks instead.
- Air Cyst (Su)(4 RP): You gain water breathing as supernatural ability.
- Aquatic (4 RP): You gain the Aquatic subtype, Amphibious trait, a swim speed of 30 feet, a +4 racial bonus on Athletics checks made to swim, and use your level instead of your Athletics rank for Athletics checks made to swim.
- Athletic (2 RP): You gain Skill Focus (Athletics) as a bonus racial feat. If you gain this feat from another source, you get a +2 racial bonus to Athletics checks instead.
- Bardic Performance (2 RP): You gain bardic performance as a bard with a level equal to your hit dice or 4th level, whichever is lower. Each time you take this, the maximum level increases by 4.
- Blinding Spores (Ex)(2 RP): As an action, you can imbue your natural attacks (including breath weapons if you have them) with spores. Until the start of your next turn, any creature hit by one of your natural attacks, must make a Fortitude save DC10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con mod or be dazzled 1 minute. Spending a full-round action to wash oneĀ’s eyes with water ends this effect. Taking this a second time worsens it to the blinded condition and washing it with water merely reduces it to the dazzled condition. Washing it again removes it.
- Calming Spores (Su)(4 RP): You gain calm emotions as supernatural ability. If you take this a second time, you also gain deep slumber as a supernatural ability. If you take it a third time, you can choose for any creature affected by either of these two effects to also lose up to 1 minute/level of their latest memories before being affected unless they succeed on a Will save DC10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod.
- Degradation (2 RP): You can fire a volley of four deadly lattices of delicate digestive growths as 2 actions (make an attack roll for each). This attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. You can use this ability only up to 3 + Con mod times per day. Each spike deals 1d6 acid damage plus Str mod.
- Ensnare (2 RP): You gain entangle as a spell-like ability. If you take this a second time, you also gain black tentacles. A third time and you also gain greater black tentacles.
- Flytrap (2 RP): You gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage. If you already have a bite attack, you gain Improved Natural Attack for it. If you also already have this feat, you gain the Swallow Whole ability allowing you to swallow pinned and helpless creatures 2 sizes smaller than you or smaller as 1 action. Swallowed creatures take your bite damage upon being swallowed and then take 1d6 + Con mod damage (treated as both acid and bludgeoning) every round swallowed. Escape DC10 + your HD + your Con mod, damage: 10% of your max hp.
- Claws (1 RP): You have a claw attack that deals 1d4 points of slashing damage.
- Climb Speed (2 RP): You have a 20-foot climb speed, use your level instead of skill rank for Athletics checks made to climb, and have a +4 racial bonus to such checks.
- Extra Legs (5 RP): You increase your base speed by 5 feet, gain Run as a racial feat, and increase your racial bonus to CMD against attempts to forcibly move you to +6.
- Fruit Growth (2 RP): You gain goodberry as a spell-like ability producing your own fruit as the materials. If you take this a second time your goodberries also bestow the benefits of the endure elements spell on those who consume them. If you take this a third time, it also grants them the benefits of lesser restoration.
- Glide Speed (2 RP): You have a glide speed of 30 feet. Glide speed function as a clumsy fly speed except you cannot use it to move upward and descent 5 feet per round at the end of your turn (this doesn't count against your movement). If you take this trait twice, it becomes a fly speed. Every additional time its taken, you improve the speed by 20 feet or improve the maneuverability by one step (your choice).
- Giggling Spores (Su)(3 RP): You gain hideous laughter as supernatural ability.
- Greenspeech (3 RP): You gain speak with plants as a spell-like ability. The second time you take this, it becomes a constant effect for you and you can use mind-affecting effects on plant creatures as if they were not immune to them.
- Hamadryad Magic (Sp)(2 RP): You gain silent image as a spell-like ability. Taking this a second time improves it to function as major image instead.
Keepsake (Su)(3 RP): You have a hollow center that you can store up to 1 fine-sized object (such as a dagger or potion) inside at a time. While inside, the object gains the benefits of the nondetection spell. You can also use mending as a spell-like ability on any object currently residing inside. If you are medium-sized, you can take this a second time allowing you to store items up to tiny-size in there.
- Lucky Leaf (Sp)(2 RP): You gain divine favor as a spell-like ability. If you take this a second time, you gain good hope as a spell-like ability but instead of targeting creatures, it targets objects and instead of granting morale bonuses it grants luck bonuses. The objects affected bestow the benefits of this spell upon the creature carrying them for the duration of the effect. If you target only a single object, the duration increases to 1 hour/level instead.
- Magical Strikes (1 RP): Your natural attacks are always treated as magical. At 6th level, this applies even to weapons you use. At 11th your natural weapons are treated as whatever alignment you are (chaotic, evil, good, and/or lawful). At 16th level this also applies to weapons you wield.
- Natural Armor (2 RP): You gain a +1 natural armor bonus. Each additional time this is taken it increases this bonus by 2.
- Needly Skin (2 RP): You're covered in needles, spikes, spines, or thorns. Any creature you grapple or that grapples you suffers 1d3 piercing damage every round a grapple is successfully created or sustained. If you make an attack with a natural weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, it's also treated as piercing damage. If you take this a second time, the grappling damage increases to 1d4 + Con mod.
- Pass without Trace (Su)(2 RP): You are permanently affected by pass without trace using your level as your caster level. If you take this a second time, you can bestow this effect on others who remain within 30 feet of you while it is active or suppress or reactivate this ability at will.
- Natural Weapon (Ex)(1 RP): You gain a bite or gore attack dealing 1d4 piercing damage, claw or talon attack dealing 1d4 slashing damage, or a slam, hoof, or headbutt attack dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage, or a tendril attack with reach that functions as a whip. This can be taken multiple times to get multiple attacks.
- Seedpods (2 RP): You can fire a volley of four seedpods as 2 actions (make an attack roll for each pod). This attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. You can use this ability only up to 3 + Con mod times per day. Each spike deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus Str mod.
- Spikes (2 RP): With a snap of your mane or tail, you can loose a volley of four spikes as 2 actions (make an attack roll for each spike). This attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. All targets must be within 30 feet of each other. You can use this ability only up to 3 + Con mod times per day. Each spike deals 1d6 piercing damage plus Str mod.
- Sylvan Magic (Ex/Sp)(2 RP): Add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment effects that you create. You also gain dancing lights as a spell-like ability.
- Toxic Spores (Ex)(2 RP): As an action, you can imbue your natural attacks (including breath weapons if you have them) with toxic spores. Until the start of your next turn, any creature hit by one of your natural attacks, must make a Fortitude save DC10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con mod or be sickened 1 minute. Spending a full-round action to wretch and sneeze ends this effect. Taking this a second time worsens it to both the sickened and staggered conditions. The full-round action only removes the sickened condition and must be taken a second time to remove the staggered condition.
- Water Jet (Su) (1 RP): While in water, you can use 3 actions to unleash a jet of liquid propelling you through the water. This functions as the Run action as if you had a swim speed except you moves you x8 instead of x4 (or x10 instead of x5 if you have the Run feat). You can do this only once per hour. If you already have a swim speed, you can use it 3 + Con mod times per hour.
- Weathering (Ex) (1 RP): Your natural weapons ignore the first 5 points of hardness of any mineral or organic matter you damage such as corpses, rocks, plants, etc. You can take this a second time to increase it to 10.