Firearms and magical items function normally except as listed below.

With the exception of single-use items, magic items only work for those attuned to them.

You gain 1/10th the normal wealth per level. Everything except magic items costs 1/10th as much, including nonmagical alchemical items and firearms. The automatic bonus progression (see Combat) more than makes up for this loss.

Flasks are created via the same rules as potions and oils except as follows:

Only the following magical items and item creation feats exist in this game:
Note: Master Craftsman allows you to pick Brew Potion or Craft Wondrous Item and craft those items as if you had that feat but using a craft skill in place of a magical one. This means you can take Master Craftsman twice to get both effects. The Inscribe Magical Tattoo feat can be used to make tattoo versions of Spell-Charged Items but not other types of magical items.

Your Max Dex is also your Max Dodge. You cannot have a Dexterity bonus or Dodge bonus exceeding your Max Dex.

A spell-charged item has one or more spells charged into it and can hold up to 5 mana per caster level (but is created with none). A person attuned to the item can cast a spell contained within the item, consuming the appropriate amount of mana from the item's pool based on spell tier. A spell-charged item can be recharged by an attuned user if they perform a 10 minute ritual that expends their own mana to refill the item's mana reserves on a 1:1 basis. Casting a spell from a spell-charged item uses the same actions and components needed to cast the spell crafted into it, unless it is a quick cast version.

Built-in Material Components: A spell-charged item can have material components built into it to allow it to be used without material components. You can imbue the item with up to an amount of material components costing the same as the item (essentially doubling its cost and price) allowing these material components to be consumed each time its used. A caster capable of casting the spell or someone working under the tutelage of such a caster can refill the components as part of attuning to the item.

UNLESS explicitly noted otherwise, all spell-charged items use spontaneous spells with the focus, verbal, and concentration components. The item itself is the focus and the command word is the verbal component. Some items, especially weapons, shields, armor, and tech can replace verbal and/or concentration with other components.

Quick Cast: A quick cast spell-charged item can only target itself or the user with its spells but these spells can be cast in half the normal time (minimum 1 swift action) at no extra cost. All worn charged items must be Quick Cast versions.

Wielded: Wielded items require no free hands to cast but must be wielded in at least 1 hand and still require normal components.

Worn: Worn items require no free hands but still require normal components. Somatic components are simply altered to match the item such as shaking one's head to activate a helmet or clicking your heels together to activate boots.

A Longsword of Magic Weapon could be a CL 1st charged item with a 1st-level magic weapon spell applied to it. The wielder could cast magic weapon on the longsword as a 1st-level caster (consuming one of its charges) as a swift action but couldn't cast the spell on any other target. A Mithril Chainshirt of Magic Vestment could be a CL 5th wand with a 3rd-level Magic Vestment spell charged into it. The wearer could cast Magic Vestment on the chainshirt as a swift action consuming a charge.

Crafting a Charged Item: When crafting a charged item, the crafter must pick one caster level equal to their own or lower and any spells they know with a spell level equal to or less than half that caster level. Add up the sum of the spells' levels if multiple spells are put into the item (level 0 = 1/2 for calculation purposes.

Crafting Costs: Caster level * (sum of all spell levels crafted into the item) * 500 gp (purchase price is double this).

Crafting DCs: 20 + caster level + cumulative spell levels of all spells built into it (treat level 0 as 1/2). Reduce DC by 5 for single use items. Failing by 10 or more means you lose half the materials. Success by 9 or less means you craft the item. Success by 10 or more means you craft the item with a circumstance bonus to all attack rolls, caster level checks, concentration checks, and skill checks made to utilize the item and its spells equal to the highest spell level. This bonus is lost permanently if it ever runs out of charges or is broken and doesn't come back after being repaired or recharged.

Attunement: With the exception of single-use items, magic items only work for those attuned to them. Attuning to an item normally requires you to learn how to use it and keep it on your person for 24 hours. Attempting to use a magic item you're not attuned to requires a Use Magic Device check DC10 + double caster level of item. Failure causes the item to deal 3d6 + caster level damage to the user and half as much to everything within a 5 feet per 2 caster levels (minimum 0 feet) and become inert for 24 hours as if in an antimagic field. Artifacts do the same but double damage and never become inert. The damage type is based on the type of item or randomized. Success allows you to attune to it instantly.  You can attune only to a number of items equal to 3 + Charisma modifier at a time (minimum 1). Attuning to any more causes you to lose attunement with the oldest one.