Archetypes, prestige classes, and templates are all changed into prestige paths. A prestige path is essentially a single class talent or feat you can take to open up access to other class powers and talents.


Instead of changing how the class works to implement an archetype, any ability the archetype granted is now a power or talent accessible as an option to the class. If the power or talent it would normally replace was an advanced feature, so too is the newly added one. You may need to break up certain features if one powerful feature replaced multiple weaker features, but otherwise this should be an easy conversion.


Only core rulebook classes are available as classes. Alchemist is an exception and treated as core for these purposes.

All other classes are converted into lists of powers and talents available to any core class that meets the requirements.

The requirements are the same as the class's normal requirements, plus any feature granted at the prestige class's first level that is also accessible as a class feature by a core class. For example, Assassins get +1d6 Sneak Attack and Poison Use at 1st class level. Because Alchemists, Fighters, Rogues, and Rangers can acquire these as class features (either by core or archetypes), all of them have access to the class features of an Assassin provided they meet the prerequisites.

You may need to customize prerequisites in case some of them logically require other abilities. For example, you couldn't immediately acquire an Assassin's Quiet Death feature even if you meet all the requirements because it only applies when you make a Death Attack. You'd have to acquire Death Attack first and then Quiet Death later.

Core Classes: Any class with Sneak Attack and Poison Use has the following features added to their list of class features.
Class Features: Death Attack, Poison Resistance, True Death
Advanced Class Features: Hide in Plain Sight, Quiet Death, Swift Death
Alternate Capstones: Angel of Death

Core Classes: Any class with Spells has the following features added to their list of class features.
Class Features: Arcane Pool, Spell Combat, Spell Strike, Spell Recall, Knowledge pool, Improved Spell Combat, Fighter Training, Magus Arcana
Advanced Class Features: Improved spell recall, Greater spell combat, counterstrike, Greater spell access
Alternate Capstones: True Magus


Every template has an entry feat but is otherwise a prestige path for any class. Determine what types of creatures the template can be applied to and under what circumstances a creature might gain that template. Those are the prerequisites. The CR boost is the tier.

Types: Tier (CR boost), Prestige Path.
Prerequisites: As the template
Benefits: You gain all of the penalties, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and other flaws of the template immediately. You also gain a number of features below equal to 1 + the number of vulnerabilities and weaknesses it came with. All these features are now class features for your class.

Ability Downgrade (Flaw): You suffer a -2 penalty to one ability score that the template normally penalizes. You can take this multiple times. For each time you take it, you also gain another feature of your choice.

Ability Upgrade: You gain a +2 boost to one ability score that the template normally boosts. You can take this multiple times and stack it up to the maximum the template normally provides.

Base Speed: You gain a base speed of your choice that the template normally provides: 10-foot burrow, 20-foot climb, 20-foot clumsy fly, 30-foot average glide, 30-foot average levitate, 20-foot swim. Gliding functions as flight except you can't move up with it and descend 5 feet automatically every round without cost to your movement. Levitation functions as flight except it won't allow you to move up further than half its speed (so a 30-foot levitation speed means your maximum altitude is 15 feet). Each time you take this after the first you can gain a new base speed provided by the template, increase an existing base speed by 10 feet, or improve an existing base speed's maneuverability by one step: clumsy, poor, average, good, perfect.

Damage Reduction: You gain Damage Reduction 1/2 level /magic. If the template normally provided a different type of damage reduction than magic or -, you can change this to equal that type of DR by taking it a second time. If the template provided you with DR/-, then taking this a second time grants you DR/- equal to 1/4 level. Taking this a 3rd time increases the DR by 5 and is considered an advanced talent. Taking if a 4th time increases the DR by 10 and is considered a capstone ability.

Darkvision: This talent grants you low-light vision, or 60 foot of darkvision if you already have low-light vision or +30 feet to your existing darkvision if you already have darkvision up to a maximum equal to the range the template normally provided.

Fast Healing: Only templates that grant fast healing or regen can take this ability. This talent grants you Fast Healing 1/2 level while your HP is at 25% max or less. Taking it a second time increases this to 50% or less. A third time is considered advanced and increases it to 75% or less and a fourth time it applies all the time. You can increase this fast healing by 10 as a capstone ability.

Regeneration: Only templates that grant regeneration can acquire this. You regenerate lost body parts as if by the Regenerate spell, though it requires about a month to regenerate normally or a week if you remain on bed rest. If you have fast healing 1, reduce this time to one day. If you have fast healing 2, reduce it to an hour. If you have fast healing 3+, reduce it to 1 minute and you can use a standard action to apply a lost body part back onto a stump to have it regenerate instantly.

Immunity/Resistance: Select one thing the template provided resistance or immunity to. You now gain resistance to it reducing hit point damage from those effects by your level, gaining a bonus to saves against those effects equal to 1/2 level, reducing ability damage/drain from those effects by 1/4 level, and reducing level damage/drain from those effects by 1/8 level (rounded up).

Natural Armor: This talent grants you a +1 natural armor bonus up to a maximum equal to whatever natural armor bonus the template provides.

Spells: You gain all the 0-level spells the template grants or a single 1st-level spell it grants if you already have all the 0-level spells (or it has none). Each time you take this increases this by one. For example, the second time you gain all the 1st-levels or one 2nd-level if you already have all the 1st-level and the third time you gain all the 2nd-levels or one 3rd-level if you already have all the 2nd-levels, etc.

Spell-like Abilities: You gain all the 0-level spell-like abilities the template grants or a single 1st-level spell-like ability it grants if you already have all the 0-level spell-like abilities (or it has none). Each time you take this increases this by one. For example, the second time you gain all the 1st-levels or one 2nd-level if you already have all the 1st-level and the third time you gain all the 2nd-levels or one 3rd-level if you already have all the 2nd-levels, etc.

Spell Resistance: You gain spell resistance 10 + class level up to a maximum equal to the amount the template provides. If you take this a second time, increase it to 12 + class level with no cap.

Type Change: You can only select this ability if the template changes your creature type. You gain a +1/2 level bonus to saves against any effect the template's type would be immune to. If you take this a second time, once per day per level you can have an effect treat you as the template's type instead of the base creature's type. If you take this a third time, you change your type as normal by the template. Taking this a 2nd time counts as an advanced talent and a 3rd time counts as a capstone ability. You must have at least 3 other abilities from the template per time you take this one.

Other Features: Try to convert any and all special abilities and qualities into class features.