Monks are martial artists that seek enlightenment through physical, mental, and spiritual discipline.

Class Points
  • Hit Points per level:    8 + Constitution modifier
  • Mana Points per level:   8 + Wisdom modifier
  • Skill Points per level:  8 + Intelligence modifier

Class Skills
A character that takes their 1st level in this class begins with all the class skills. A character that wants to multiclass into this class must have all these class skills in order to do so:
Starting Feats
A character that takes their 1st level in this class begins with all these starting feats. A character that wants to multiclass into this class must have all these feats to do so:


  1. Mystic martial arts, class skills, starting feats
  2. Talent
  3. Power
  4. Talent
  5. Power
  6. Talent
  7. Power
  8. Talent
  9. Power
  10. Talent, advanced features
  11. Power
  12. Talent
  13. Power
  14. Talent
  15. Power
  16. Talent
  17. Power
  18. Talent
  19. Power
  20. Talent, capstone ability


So long as they are not wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavier load, a monk can expend 3 MP as a swift action to imbue their body with ki power. This grants them the benefits of the expeditious retreat, jump, magic fang, or magic weapon spell, chosen at the time of activation. They treat their monk level as their caster level. As a standard action they can expend 6 MP to create two of these effects at once and as a full-round action they can expend 10 MP to create three at once. These effects only affect the monk and their gear, and cannot target others, even if the spell itself normally could.

At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter (4th, 8th, 12th, etc.) they choose one of the following they can use for 10 MP instead of 3: elemental weapon, greater magic fang, greater magic weapon, haste, longstrider, magic vestment.

Elemental Weapon: Functions as greater magic weapon except instead of an enhancement bonus to the weapon it gains weapon properties adding up to the bonus normally provided chosen from the following list: corrosive, corrosive burst, dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, sonic, sonic burst, speed, vorpal.


You gain a class power at every odd class level after 1st. You can select a Ki Power, a Magus Arcana, a Ninja Trick or a power listed below, provided you meet the prerequisites. Your effective magus and ninja levels for these abilities is equal to your monk level. You spend mana instead of arcane points, grit, ki, panache, or similar points with 10 MP being worth 1 such point.

Flurry of Blows (Ex): Once per round, you can spend 10 MP to make a combat maneuver or weapon attack with a light or finesse weapon as a free action.

Potent Eldritch Heritage: (Prerequisites: Cha 15, Eldritch Heritage, ability to cast spells) You learn all the bonus spells listed in your bloodline provided you are a high enough caster level to cast them. These spells must be Charisma-based and they are based on the same tradition as your bloodline.

Spells: Pick one spellcasting tradition and spellcasting modifier: alchemy (Int or Wis), arcane (Int or Cha), divine (Wis or Cha), occult (Int or Cha), primal (Wis or Cha). You gain two 0-level spells within this tradition. The second time you take this you gain one 0-level spell and one 1st-level spell. The third time you take this, you gain two 1st-level spells. The fourth time you gain one 1st-level spell and one 2nd-level spell. Each time you keep taking this, repeat this pattern of gaining two spells of the highest spell slot you already have (max 3) or gaining one spell of your current highest spell level and one spell of the next level higher (max 3 of each spell level). Your class level -3 is your caster level for these spells (minimum 1).


You gain a class talent at every even class level. Some stack but you can only take the same talent up to a number of times equal to one-fourth your class level, rounded up. Advanced talents can't be selected until at least 10th level in the class.

Archetype Ability: You can gain an archetype ability that would normally replace any other talent listed here. For example, the Armored Hulk archetype normally replaced Fast Movement with Indomitable Stance. So you could select Indomitable Stance as a barbarian Talent.

Bonus Feat (Ex): You gain a combat feat of your choice, provided you meet the prerequisites.

Danger Sense (Ex): You gain a +2 insight bonus to defenses, saving throws, and Perception checks vs. traps and ambushes. If you are at least 5th level, increase this bonus by 1/5th your level. and  This ability counts as Trap Sense for any feat or class prerequisite, and can be replaced by any archetype class feature that replaces trap sense.

Evasion (Ex): When you make a Reflex saving throw against an effect that deals reduced damage on a successful save, you further reduce the damage on a successful save by an amount equal to your level. For example, if you were a 5th-level character and a fireball dealt 18 fire damage (half on a save) and you succeeded in your Reflex save against against it, the successful save would reduce it by half to 9 and then evasion would further reduce it by 5 to only 4 damage.

Ki Strike (Su): Choose one nonmagical nonfictional material. Your natural weapon attacks, including unarmed strikes, are always treated as magical and this chosen material for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. You can select this multiple times, choosing a new material each time.

Indomitable Will (Ex): You have a +2 competence bonus on Will saves to resist emotion and enchantment effects. This bonus increases by 1/5th your level if you are at least 5th level or higher.

Light steps

No trace

Still Mind

tongue of the sun and moon

timeless body

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): You gain the ability to react to danger before your senses would normally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flat-footed and you don't lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. This doesn't prevent you from losing your Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against you.


At 10th level in the class you add the following to the list of talents you can select.

Greater Flurry (Ex): You must have the Flurry of Blows power to acquire this one. This allows you to use Flurry of Blows a second time each round.


At 10th level in the class you add the following to the list of talents you can select.

Aligned Strike (Su): Choose one of your two alignments. Your natural weapon attacks, including unarmed strikes, are always treated as this alignment for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. You can select this twice, to select both alignments.

Flawless Grace (Ex): You always have advantage on Reflex saving throws, rolling 2d20 and taking the better result.

Flawless Mind (Ex): You always have advantage on Will saving throws, rolling 2d20 and taking the better result.

Greater Ki Strike (Su): Your natural weapon attacks, including unarmed strikes, are always treated as cold iron and silver for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. You can select this twice. The second time it is taken, your natural weapons are always treated as adamantine and mithril for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Improved Evasion (Ex): Requires: Evasion. You apply the damage reduction provided by Evasion even when you fail a Reflex saving throw.

Improved Resolve (Ex): Requires: Resolve. You apply the damage reduction provided by Resolve even when you fail a Will saving throw.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Requires Uncanny Dodge. You can no longer be flanked. This defense denies enemies the ability to sneak attack you by flanking you, unless the attacker has at least 4 more levels in a class that provides sneak attack than you have in classes that have this ability as a class talent.

Slippery Mind (Ex): When you fail a Will saving throw, you can make a new saving throw upon the following round. If you fail again, you can continue making these saves every interval of the effect. If even one of these saves succeeds, the effect ends. An interval is based on however long the effect lasts. For example, if the effect lasts 2 rounds per caster level, then 2 rounds is an interval but if it lasts for 1 hour per caster level, then 1 hour is an interval.


At 20th level you gain one of the following capstones of your choice: