Bakemono is a catch-all term for furry humanoids resembling everything from bears and cats to wolves and rats. They range in size, shape, and specialties wildly, but as they are all inhabitants of the wilderness, they stand firm in ensuring that dwarven and human expansion is kept in check. Bakaneko, bjorn, hobs, kasha, kitsune, kobolds, rougarou, sasquatches, vanara, wulvers, yeti, and many more all make up the varied bestials.


Abilities and Types (2 RP): Bakemono are either medium or small humanoids with the cryptid and shapechanger subtypes. Each bakemono race is unique with many different subspecies. Examples include:

Speed: Land 30 feet

Senses (1 RP): Low-light vision

Languages: Common and Sylvan. Bonus languages: Aklo, Celestial, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, and Tengu.

Change Shape (Su)(3 RP): Bakemono can assume a human form unique to them as per alter self and a specific animal form unique to them of tiny, small, or medium size as per beast shape II. These effects do not adjust ability scores unless altering their size.

Bite (1 RP): In their natural and animal form, a bakemono has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage.

Cryptid (2 RP) (Su): Cryptids can be treated as animal, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid any effect, as determined by the creator of the effect. They have a +2 racial bonus to saves against anything that any of these types are immune to.

Shapechanger (1 RP) (Su): Creatures with the shapechanger subtype can use a single action to dispel any morph or polymorph effects affecting them using their level as the caster level to do so.

Polymorphism (4 RP): Each bakemono race is unique beginning with 4 RP's worth of racial traits chosen from the list below. You can sacrifice your 1st-level feat to increase this to 8 RP.

Alternate Racial Traits & Racial Feats

Bakemono have all the following as alternate racial traits and racial feats:*Bakeneko that take the extra tails Kitsune feat are known as Nekomata.