Wells Fargo Office
A sign by the front door of the Wells Fargo Office says the stage leaves for Promise City leaves every second Monday and returns each alternate Monday as part of a regular route from Mad Mesa to Brewster. The next stage is due to leave on Monday, January 20th.
The stables attached to the Wells Fargo Office are currently empty.
Stage Coach Time Table
Rio Boad to Mad Mesa return route:
Stops West of Rio Boa days 1 & 2
Rio Boa to Mad Mesa = $4.20 (14 hexes - 7 hours) day 3
Mad Mesa to Plaza Del Lobo = $5.40 (18 hexes - 9 hours) day 4
Plaza Del Lobo to Shiftless = $9.90 (33 hexes - 16.5 hours) day 5
Shiftless to Promise City = $6.90 (23 hexes - 11.5 hours) day 6
2 day lay over
Promise City to Shiftless = $6.90 (23 hexes - 11.5 hours) day 9
Shiftless to Plaza Del Lobo = $9.90 (33 hexes - 16.5 hours) day 10
Plaza Del Lobo to Mad Mesa = $5.40 (18 hexes - 9 hours) day 11
Mad Mesa to Rio Boa = $4.20 (14 hexes - 7 hours) day 12
Stops West of Rio Boa days 13 & 14
Promise City to Brewster return route:
Stops East of Brewster days 14 & 1
Promise City to Buffalo Chips Junction = $3.30 (11 hexes - 5.5 hours) day 2
Buffalo Chips Junction to Benjamin Ranch Fork = $3.90 (13 hexes - 6.5 hours) day 3
Benjamin Ranch Fork to D Bar K Ranch Fork = $5.40 (18 hexes - 9 hours) day 4
D Bar K Ranch Fork to Brewster = $9.30 (31 hexes - 15.5 hour) day 5
2 day lay over
Brewster to D Bar K Ranch Fork = $9.30 (31 hexes - 15.5 hour) day 8
D Bar K Ranch Fork to Benjamin Ranch Fork = $5.40 (18 hexes - 9 hours) day 9
Benjamin Ranch Fork to Buffalo Chips Junction = $3.90 (13 hexes - 6.5 hours) day 10
Buffalo Chips Junction to Promise City = $3.30 (11 hexes - 5.5 hours) day 11
Stops East of Brewster days 12 & 13
Stage Coach Time Table
Ticket Prices:
15c per mile plus meals
$1 per meal
$5 per trunk of luggage
1 hex = 2 miles
Stage Coach move, 2 hexes per hour.
Mad Mesa
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