Tempel Morand owns the Morand Cartage Company which operates out of an office in this one-story brick building. Morand is too busy managing the Morand Ranch south of Promise City to actively supervise the operation so his younger brother, Zachary, is in charge. The company employs Julio O'Grady and Bud Newkirk as yard hands and Liam Murphy, Doug Manson and Heck Lustig as teamsters.
Zachary Morand and all 5 of the company"s employees live in the large bunkhouse at 187. Morand Cartage will haul any consignment of goods or materials for $1 per hundred pounds for every 50 miles traveled.
Good hands are scarce and the company will hire any likely prospects for $9 a week plus free rooming in the bunkhouse.
Promise City
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