The grid monuments are a series of strange structures that form part of the historical Valtian grid. Made of an unknown bright metal that seems to resist all tarnish and corrosion, the monuments resemble a vague T-shape, consisting of a large central pillar with two long flanges jutting out to either side near the top, twenty feet above the ground. All of the monuments are set on short, stepped foundations made of shaped stone. The foundations have generally survived the ravages of time and the elements much less hardily than the monuments themselves. All grid monuments are identical and are similarly undamaged by the passage of time, though some of them have moved out of their former position due to the shifting of the land or damage to their foundations in the time since their construction. The flanges atop the monuments point in either direction towards the next monument in the line.


There are thought to be perhaps thousands of grid monuments, for they connect all of the Valtian greathalls in Lokren and Lantaren. Situated roughly an eight of a mile apart, they form long, sweeping, unbroken chains from one greathall to the next. The monuments range from Mevron in north-eastern Lokren to Chasadon in the west, and even cross the Aphieron to pass along the northern coast of Notios. The monument lines do not directly connect each greathall to every other, but rather connect a given greathall to one other in each direction, so linking all of the greathalls together in a long chain.


Some say the monuments formed part of a road network that the Valtians would follow between greathalls, with the monuments acting as a series of signposts that would point the way onward to the next. Others believe that the Valtians used the monuments to transmit magical energies across the land, though to what end one can only guess.

A Valtian grid monument in the Forest of Piges.