One of six Infinity Stones created at the birth of the universe, the Mind Stone held vast psionic power. Among other things, the stone granted the user the ability to fire energy projectile blasts, manipulate minds, enable teleportation, perform astral projection and allow mental communication across vast distances.

Alongside the other five Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone was created at the birth of the universe.

At some point in the stone's history, it was obtained by Thanos, who allowed Magneto to use its power in a failed takeover of Earth. When Magneto was defeated, the stone, which had been placed into a golden helm, was lost beneath Magneto's Citadel.

Following the events of the Raft prison breakout, Magneto's follower Karl Lykos recovered the Helm from its location underneath Magneto's citadel. Lykos used the Helm's power to rally an army of mutate followers from across the Savage Lands, with his generals Brainchild and Vertigo at his side. Lykos planned a full-scale invasion of New York City, but soon found himself dealing with the arrival of a new team of Avengers. During the ensuing confrontation, an exhausted Lykos found himself unable to master the Helm's powers, and he was defeated in a fierce battle with the blind vigilante Daredevil. Although Emma Frost desired the Helm for her own ends, the team of heroes decided to leave it in the care of Kitty Pryde, with none of them realizing the artifact contained the Mind Stone.

Plagued by a voice calling to her from within the Helm, Emma Frost ended up placing it on her head in order to feel its power. The telepath experienced dark visions of a coming threat, and decided the Helm must be returned to its former resting place. Stealing a Quinjet, Frost traveled back to the Savage Land, but was followed by Shadowcat's pet dragon Lockheed. There, she found Magneto, stripped of his former magnetic powers and willing to answer her questions about the Helm. However, fearing what Frost would do with the Helm, Lockheed had stolen it away from her, inadvertently swallowing the Mind Stone. Tipped off by Black Panther, Earth's united superheroes soon appeared in the Savage Land for a confrontation with Thanos. It was then that Magneto revealed his allegiance with Thanos, sending Lockheed skyward and into Thanos' ship. There, the dragon was hunted by the ruthless Black Order, who sought the stone to complete Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. Although Lockheed escaped the ship with the help of several heroes, he was hunted down by Thanos and had the stone forcibly removed from his body. Thanos then used the power of his completed gauntlet to wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Following Thanos' use of the Infinity Gauntlet, the Mind Stone was presumed either destroyed or remaining in his possession.
