The characters who've escaped from Branderscar carrying the cursed forsaken brand!

Acts as a Divine Curse Indelible Mark.

For those who have signed the Pact:

After three months of working together (and reflecting on your prison escape) you gain the party template 'The Nessian Knot'.

Party Template Members:

PARTY TEMPLATE: The Nessian Knot
Disadvantages: (10) Hunted (Mitra Inquisitors/Talirean Soldiers), Poor Reputation (Forsaken), Obligations (Pact Signer)
Restrictions: (3) against backstabbing each other or working separately (on penalty of losing the party template abilities)

Grants: (13 CP)

And then for each character, the Cardinal will work with them individually to increase or learn some new aspect (Unique Training, 6 CP granted)

CloakingA character with Cloaking has an always-on disguise over his or her mystical and/or psychic aura, although this has no effect on normal senses. You must specify what the effect is. Cloaking is often used to make one look like a honest fellow to fool truth-detection, to alter your apparent alignment, or to disguise yourself as a member of a similar species. ! For example, Davin the Diviner searches for the human rogue Clara. But Clara has Cloaking to make her look like an elf to divination magic. Davin passes her over in his search without a second thought.
LegionaryA Legionary has great coordination when fighting in a team. The character gains a +1/+2/+3 bonus to AC, Attacks, and Reflex Saves when teamed with 1-2/3-4/5+ others who also possess this feat.
Mystic LinkA character with Mystic Link has an occult bond with someone or something. He or she may sense the target or the direction it lies in.
+Communicationsallows the user to communicate with the target. This normally only works with living targets, although computers and sentient magic items are eligible.
AssistantYour “Aid Another” actions provides a +4 bonus, instead of the usual +2.