The Church is the spiritual institution of the land. It blesses the people and land, oversees crises (both spiritual and temporal), and guards the realm from wicked magic. The Church itself is feudal, having its own hierarchy of bishops and abbots, priests and monks, and lay clergy. The ultimate clerical authority for the Roman Church is the pope, in distant Rome. The British Church has no single head.
The Church holds lands, both as abbeys and as bishoprics. The leaders of these institutions act in every way as vassals of whoever gave them the land. Even the Roman Church has not yet obtained independence from the King of Britain — though its priests are working on it.
Ecclesiastical Law
The Church has the right to try all of its members who have broken laws. They also have the right to try any laymen who have violated Church laws, such as robbing the clergy, plundering abbeys, and so on.
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