This is a list of types of magic, taking into account their connection to "magic genes" and presenting the average strength of magical talent among the populace in percentage:

Divination (Div):
Users can glimpse into the past and the future of people and objects and gain insights. The percentage of individuals with Divination genes is relatively higher compared to other schools due to its connection to foresight. However, even among those with the genes, the strength of their Divination abilities may vary, ranging from 10% to 60%.
  • Abilities: Soothsaying, fortune-telling, divination, and psychometry.
  • Associated stone: Amethyst.

Illusion (Ill):
Users can create illusions and manipulate perceptions. The percentage of individuals with Illusion magic genes has decreased significantly over time, but it still exists, primarily among the nobility but also found among entertainers. The strength of their Illusion abilities ranges from 5% to 40%.
  • Abilities: Manipulation of perception, hallucination, and illusions.
  • Associated stone: Azurite.

Conjuration (Con):
Users can summon constructs or objects to aid them. The percentage of individuals with Conjuration magic genes is relatively low, even among the nobility, but it has a long history in prestigious magical bloodlines. The strength of their Conjuration abilities may vary from 5% to 30%.
  • Abilities: Summoning and creation of objects or constructs.
  • Associated stone: Pyrite.

Necromancy (Nec):
Users can control life energy to heal others and interact with the dead. The percentage of individuals with Necromancy magic genes is quite rare and often stigmatized due to its association with death. The strength of their Necromancy abilities may range from 1% to 10%.
  • Abilities: Manipulation of life force (healing), death, and undeath.
  • Associated stone: Turquoise.

Abjuration (Abj):
Users can create protective barriers and ward against threats. The percentage of individuals with Abjuration genes is relatively high among the nobility, as they value protection and security. The strength of their Abjuration abilities usually varies from 10% to 50%.
  • Abilities: Shielding, protection, and defensive magic.
  • Associated stone: Tourmaline.

Elemental (Ele):
Manipulation of elemental forces (fire, water, earth, air). Users can control and shape these elements. The percentage of individuals with Elemental genes has declined significantly, but it still exists, particularly among those who have ancestry from various magical bloodlines. The strength of their Elemental abilities ranges from 5% to 30%, depending on the specific element they can manipulate.
Elemental Fire (ElF):
  • Abilities: Manipulation of fire and heat. Users can control and shape flames.
  • Associated stone: Fire Opal.

Elemental Water (ElW):
  • Abilities: Manipulation of water and fluidity. Users can control and shape water.
  • Associated stone: Aquamarine.

Elemental Earth (ElE):
  • Abilities: Manipulation of earth and solidity. Users can control and shape earth and stone.
  • Associated stone: Jasper.

Elemental Air (ElA):
  • Abilities: Manipulation of air and wind. Users can control and shape air currents.
  • Associated stone: Citrine.

Transmutation (Tra):
Users can change forms and manipulate physical properties, or even shape-shift (which explains the various myths of shapeshifters). The percentage of individuals with Transmutation magic genes is relatively low, but it is valued for its versatility and adaptability. The strength of their Transmutation abilities usually varies from 5% to 20%.
  • Abilities: Shape-changing, alteration, and transformation.
  • Associated stone: Moonstone.

Druidic (Dru):
Users can speak with and understand the natural world. The percentage of individuals with Druidic magic genes has dwindled over time, but it still exists, particularly among those who have a deep connection to the natural realm. The strength of their Druidic abilities ranges from 1% to 10%.
  • Abilities: Mental communication with nature, plants, and animals.
  • Associated stone: Moss Agate.

Hysteria (Hys):
Users can influence and control the thoughts and feelings of others. The percentage of individuals with Hysteric genes is relatively rare, but seemingly dominant among women. The strength of their abilities usually varies from 1% to 10%.
  • Abilities: Manipulation of emotions, charm, and mind control.
  • Associated stone: Rose Quartz.

Kinesis (Kin):
Users can unleash raw magical energy to create powerful kinetic effects or lift things with their mind. The percentage of individuals with Kinetic genes has declined significantly, and those with notable talent are considered exceptional and highly sought after. The strength of their Kinetic abilities may range from 5% to 30%.
  • Abilities: Manipulation of kinetic energy and forces.
  • Associated stone: Garnet.

Entropy (Ent):
Users can disrupt or restore the balance between chaos and order and change the likelihood of events happening. The percentage of individuals with Entropy genes is exceedingly rare, with only a few individuals capable of harnessing its power. The strength of their Entropy abilities ranges typically from 1% to 5%.
  • Abilities: Manipulation of entropy (chaos and order), changing of probability.
  • Associated stone: Smoky Quartz.

The following is not public knowledge:
In rare cases, due to the existence of Solomon's Soulfragments, which are known to twist their hosts magic in unnatural ways, there are "corrupted" versions of the above types of magic out there in the world, though rare enough to not be believed to be more than just ghost stories to scare children at night. The corruption can manifest as follows and this is how the Sisterhood of Lilith calls them when they do manifest: The Fears