If two parents both possess the same magical genes, such as both having Augury genes, there is a higher likelihood that their offspring will manifest stronger genes in that particular type of magic. The shared genetic makeup allows for a stronger inheritance of magical aptitude and abilities within the specific type of magic.

As a result, individuals born from such unions are more likely to exhibit heightened proficiency and strength in the corresponding type of magic. Their talents and abilities in Augury, in this case, would be more pronounced and easier to develop and control compared to individuals with mixed or diluted magic genes.

This occurrence of reinforced magical traits within the same type of magic is often viewed as a fortunate circumstance. It is highly regarded and sought after, particularly among those who value and appreciate the power and potential of specific magical disciplines. Entire noble bloodlines have dedicated themselves to specific types of magic.

The manifestation of stronger magical genes resulting from parents with identical magical genes acts as a counterbalance to the overall decline of magic in the world. It allows for the continuation of powerful magical bloodlines and ensures that exceptional talents can still emerge, even in an era when magic is becoming increasingly rare.