This is a list that should provide players with an intuitive understanding of what they can expect based on the percentage of magical genes they possess:

%LevelExamples of Abilities
0%MundaneNo inherent magic genes.
1-5%TraceOccasional hints of magical potential, such as brief glimpses into the immediate future (Divination), summoning marble-sized objects (Conjuration), sensing illness (Necromancy), minor control over the flickering and warmth of fire (Elemental Fire).
6-15%InitiateBasic magical abilities such as reading limited glimpses of the future (divination), summoning hand-sized objects (conjuration), communing with restless spirits (necromancy), creating small flames or controlling existing fires (elemental fire).
16-35%ApprenticeStronger abilities such as receiving detailed visions of potential future events (divination), summoning larger and more complex objects (conjuration), healing or minor injuries (necromancy), generating and controlling substantial flames and creating fireballs (elemental fire).
36-45%AdeptStrong abilities such as predicting distant future events (divination), summoning large objects (conjuration), manipulating life energy for advanced healing or reanimating corpses (necromancy), conjuring intense infernos, controlling large-scale fires (elemental fire magic).
46-60%MagusPinnacle of most human abilities and complex magic, such as reading multiple possible futures at the same time (divination), conjuring huge and long-lasting objects (conjuration), manipulating life force to control and revive the deceased (necromancy), wielding the raw power of blazing infernos, creating devastating firestorms or unleashing intense heat-based attacks (elemental fire).
61-80%ArchmageTranscendent practitioners, capable of extraordinary abilities, such as peering into alternate timelines (divination), conjuring sentient constructs and rare materials (conjuration), commanding legions of the undead (necromancy), summoning colossal fire elementals or unleashing fiery cataclysms with devastating impact (elemental fire).
81-90%Grand MagusBeings of unparalleled magical mastery, capable of legendary feats, such as glimpsing the fabric of destiny itself (divination), conjuring legendary artefacts and structures (conjuration), manipulating the boundaries between life and death on a grand scale (necromancy), wielding flames that can reshape landscapes, summoning firestorms of unparalleled magnitude or immolating entire armies (elemental fire).
91-100%LegendaryExalted individuals whose abilities transcend mortal comprehension, wielding the power of gods, their capabilities shrouded in mystery and whispered only in the realms of legend and myth.

Magical genes within an individual are usually denoted by the abbreviation of the specific type of magic, followed by a number representing the percentage. For example: An individual may have been born with Con8/ElF15, which means that they have traces of Conjuration and some basic control over Elemental Fire. Please note that for most people magic does not manifest until puberty although, like with other things in life, for some it manifests in childhood and in some rare cases later in life. Further, it has been noted that during times of extreme emotions (such as panic or rage), mages have been known to exceed their natural limitations, albeit leaving them drained for a longer amount of time after the fact, leading to longer recovering times.

Please note that these examples are indicative and not an exhaustive list of possible abilities. The percentages reflect the strength of magical potential, with higher percentages allowing for greater control, scope, and potency of magical abilities. It is important to note that only royal bloodlines, with their centuries of selective breeding, ever hope to achieve percentages beyond 60%. Such exceptional individuals stand out among magical practitioners, wielding substantial power and influence. However, those rare few with magical genes above 80% are the stuff of legends and unheard of since the Tudor era. In general, imagine the distribution of remaining magical genes to be like the distribution of wealth. 1% of the population possesses 99% of all magical genes. Of course, not all of the 1% are billionaires. Only a very small number within those esteemed 1% have serious magical potential.

Repercussions of using Magic
When you tap into your magical abilities, it's important to understand that it can take a toll on your physical well-being. Channeling mystical energies requires delving into the depths of your inner self and directing them through your body. This connection between magic and our existence comes with consequences, reminding us of the intricate bond between our magical prowess and our mortal form.

Here are some common consequences to be aware of when using magic:
Remember, the power of magic comes with responsibilities. Understanding and respecting the physical consequences of magic can help you navigate your abilities wisely and protect your well-being.

Magic and the Laws of Nature:
Magic abilities are still bound by the laws of nature, implying that they cannot violate or defy the fundamental principles governing the physical world.