The following is a list of notable groups (public and secret) with connections to magic in the British Isles and the wider British Empire:

The Royal Arcane Society (RAS):
A prestigious institution dedicated to the preservation, advancement, and regulation of the mystical arts. It is headed by the ruling monarch, which holds the honorary title of Grand Magus, the most powerful mage in the land, with the responsibility to safeguard the realm from arcane perils and guide the practitioners of magic towards virtuous paths.

The title bestowed upon the monarch as the head of the Royal Arcane Association is "Magus Regalis." This title, borne only by the reigning sovereign, signifies the sovereign's supreme mastery of the magical arts and their authority over all matters concerning magic within the kingdom. As the Magus Regalis, the monarch wields unparalleled influence in the realms of academia, legislation, and the practice of magic, ensuring that the arcane forces are channelled for the greater good of the realm.

The Royal Arcane Association serves as the esteemed governing body for all magical practitioners, providing guidance, education, and supervision. It is responsible for the training and certification of mages, the development of magical curricula, the preservation of ancient magical knowledge, and the enforcement of laws and regulations to maintain order and balance within the magical realm.

Within the Association, a council of accomplished mages convenes to assist the Magus Regalis in matters of magical governance. This council, known as the Arcane Court, consists of eminent practitioners representing the various types of magic. Their collective wisdom and expertise shall guide the Association's policies and ensure the equitable treatment of all magical disciplines. Their executive branch is the Arcane Enforcement Division, which is part of the police.

The Genealogical Society for the Advancement of Magic (GSAM):
This is a privately owned, but esteemed organization dedicated to the meticulous study and preservation of magical heritage. With a profound understanding of the importance of lineage and the hereditary nature of magical abilities, the society is devoted to harnessing the power of magical bloodlines for the betterment of the magical community.

At the heart of their mission lies the pursuit of magically beneficial unions. The society diligently explores and analyses the ancestral roots of magically capable individuals, delving into ancient records and meticulously tracing family trees that extend back over centuries. Their extensive archives house a wealth of knowledge, containing detailed accounts and genealogical information of magical bloodlines and estimated percentages that date back thousands of years.

Through their exhaustive research, the society seeks to identify and connect individuals with compatible magical lineages. By pairing individuals who possess complementary magical abilities, they aim to enhance the strength and potential of magical talents in future generations. The goal is to create alliances that maximize the magical prowess and ensure the continuity of powerful magical bloodlines within the realm.

The society operates as a hub of information and expertise, providing a platform for magical families to connect, share knowledge, and foster beneficial relationships. They organize gatherings, lectures, and social events, fostering a sense of community among magical practitioners and nurturing the bonds between families with similar magical lineages.

Members of the society are scholars, researchers, and practitioners of magic who are deeply committed to unravelling the intricate tapestry of magical heritage. They collaborate with other magical organizations, universities, and respected individuals within the magical community to further their understanding and promote the responsible use of magical abilities.

The London Institute for the Preservation of Enchantments (LIPE):
The LIPE stands as a bastion of knowledge and custodian of magical artefacts within the heart of London. Established under the sponsorship of the Royal Arcane Society, this prestigious institution is entrusted with the critical task of tracking, tracing, and archiving enchanted items, objects, and structures throughout the realm.

At the heart of their mission lies the recognition of the profound historical and magical significance of enchanted artefacts. The institute diligently catalogues and documents these objects, carefully preserving their history, properties, and the stories they carry. Their meticulous efforts ensure that the magical heritage and wisdom imbued within these items are safeguarded for future generations.

The institute's expert staff, consisting of skilled researchers, archivists, and enchantment specialists, employ their unrivalled knowledge and expertise to identify, authenticate, and evaluate enchanted items. They employ various magical and non-magical methods to analyse the properties and origins of these objects, unravelling the mysteries surrounding their creation and enchantment.

Through their extensive network of informants, the institute tracks and traces enchanted items that may have been lost, hidden, or scattered throughout the realm. They tirelessly seek out rumours, folklore, and leads to locate these artefacts, ensuring that no trace of magical heritage is lost to the sands of time.

Once an enchanted item is discovered and recovered, the institute carefully studies it, documenting its magical properties, its historical context, and any associated legends or stories. These findings are meticulously recorded in their vast archives, which contain a wealth of information on enchanted items spanning centuries.

Beyond the preservation and documentation of enchanted items, the institute also plays a vital role in advising and assisting individuals who encounter magical artefacts or magical houses in their possession. They provide guidance on the responsible handling, usage, and maintenance of such objects and buildings (the buildings especially can be quite temperamental), ensuring the preservation of both the magical objects and the well-being of their owners.

The following is not public knowledge:
The Order of Solomon
Origins: The Order of Solomon traces its origins to a hidden truth buried in the annals of history. Contrary to the benevolent image often associated with King Solomon, he was, in reality, a malevolent mage whose lust for power knew no bounds.
King Solomon's Transformation: King Solomon delved deep into forbidden arcane arts to gain dominion over not just the material world, but also the spiritual realms. His insatiable ambition led him to a dark path of tyranny and subjugation. To those who know the truth, they know that he was a deeply sadistic man who delighted in the suffering of others and would use his magic to that end.
Desperate Opposition: Fearing the consequences of Solomon's power, a coalition of powerful mages and guardians came together as a last resort. They initiated a ritual to shatter Solomon's soul into fragments, seeking to contain his malevolence.
The Lost Truth: Over time, the malevolent nature of King Solomon was forgotten, replaced by legends of his wisdom and benevolence. The hidden truth was obscured, and he became venerated as a legendary figure.
Fragmented Soulbearers: Those born with fragments of Solomon's soul are referred to as "Soulbearers." They carry within them the essence of the malevolent mage, unknowingly linked to his dark legacy.
Solomon's Manipulations: Solomon, in his fragmented state, appears to the Soulbearers in various visions and dreams, often assuming different shapes and appearances. He seeks to seduce, coerce, and manipulate them into joining the cult, promising power and rewards beyond imagination.
Binding Through Temptation: Through these manipulative tactics, Solomon and his followers aim to bind anyone they deem useful to the cult.
Promise of Power: The cult entices recruits with the promise of enhanced magical abilities and esoteric knowledge, all rooted in the malevolent legacy of King Solomon.
Control and Loyalty: The cult uses the allure of power and Solomon's manipulations as means of control, ensuring unwavering loyalty and service to King Solomon's malevolent legacy. However, people are not always aware who pulls the strings or that it is even the Order of Solomon behind all this. The Order is very manipulative and secretive, hence very difficult to link to anything officially.

The following is not public knowledge:
The Sisterhood of Lilith
Origins and Resistance: The Sisterhood of Lilith is an ancient and secretive organization with its roots dating back to the time of King Solomon. In the myth, Solomon attempted to control the powerful female mages known as Lilin. In the stories, they were described as evil hellspawn, but in reality, they were magically gifted women who refused to be subjugated by this tyrant.
The Lilith Rebellion: These magically powerful women, led by the enigmatic grand sorceress who called herself Lilith, rebelled against Solomon's tyranny. They managed to break free from his control, marking the beginning of their resistance.
Responsible for Soul Split: It was the Sisterhood of Lilith who played a crucial role in the eventual split of Solomon's malevolent soul. Recognizing the danger he posed to the world, they orchestrated the ritual that shattered his soul into fragments, ensuring he could never regain his full power. This because killing him would have not stopped him as powerful mage souls can possess objects, artefacts or even structures and thus remain in this world even after death.
Guardians of the Fragments: Over the millennia, the Sisterhood has acted as guardians of the soul fragments, keeping them hidden and protected from those who seek to reassemble them or just in general trying to keep an eye on them.
Opponents of the Order of Solomon: The Sisterhood of Lilith stands as a formidable adversary to the Order of Solomon. They have dedicated themselves to preventing the cult's efforts to bring Solomon back and unleash his malevolent power upon the world.
Magical Prowess: Members of the Sisterhood possess formidable magical abilities, passed down through generations of selective breeding. They use their magic not for domination, but to protect the world from the darkness of Solomon's legacy.
Hidden Knowledge: The Sisterhood holds ancient knowledge about Solomon, his true nature, and the fragmented soul. They are a repository of arcane wisdom, using it to thwart the cult's plans and to safeguard the fragments.
Ethical Mission: The Sisterhood of Lilith is driven by a sense of justice and responsibility, aiming to ensure that Solomon's malevolence remains contained. They seek to free the world from the shadow of his dark legacy.