Where magic intertwines with the fabric of society, the practice of magic is not without rules and regulations. Magic, being a powerful and potentially volatile force, is subject to the watchful eye of the law, and the realm's police force has specific measures in place to address any misuse or misconduct by mages.

Just as our society has laws to maintain order and protect its citizens, so too does the magical realm have its own set of regulations known as the Arcane Statutes. These statutes outline the permissible and forbidden applications of magic, ensuring that its practice remains within the bounds of safety, ethics, and the greater good. On top of the obvious laws prohibiting the use of magic in illegal practices, here are some of the most common laws under the Arcane Statutes:

The police force has a separate section, known as the Arcane Enforcement Division, which has been specially trained to handle matters concerning magical law. These dedicated individuals possess both magical aptitude and a comprehensive understanding of the Arcane Statutes. Their duty is to enforce the law, investigate potential breaches, and maintain the delicate balance between magical practitioners and the non-magical populace.

When a mage is suspected of violating the Arcane Statutes, the Arcane Enforcement Division initiates an investigation. They possess specialized magical detection tools and techniques to identify the nature of the offence and gather evidence. In cases of minor infractions, the division may issue warnings, administer fines, or provide education and guidance to ensure future compliance.

However, for more serious offences or repeated violations, the Arcane Enforcement Division may proceed with legal actions. This can involve arrest, detainment, and bringing the accused before the Arcane Court, a specialized tribunal under the direct jurisdiction of the Royal Crown that handles magical law cases. The court, comprised of experienced mages and legal experts, conducts fair and impartial trials, taking into account the intricacies of magical practice and its potential impact on society.

Punishments for breaches of the Arcane Statutes can vary depending on the severity and nature of the offence. They range from probation, community service, or the revocation of magical privileges, to more severe consequences such as imprisonment in special facilities enchanted to detain mages and render their abilities useless.

It is essential for mages to understand and respect the laws governing their craft, as the balance between magic, however rare, and mundane society relies on responsible and ethical practice. By upholding these laws, mages contribute to the harmony and coexistence of both magical and non-magical communities, ensuring a safer and more equitable realm for all.