In addition to the details mentioned above, another contributing factor to the decline of magic is the phenomenon that occurs when parents with different magic genes reproduce. If two individuals with distinct magic genes, such as one possessing Necromancy genes and the other possessing Augury genes, have offspring, the resulting child may inherit both genes, but in weaker forms, only one, or none at all.

This phenomenon occurs due to the complex nature of magic genes and their interactions within an individual's genetic makeup. When two different magic genes combine, they may produce a diluted or compromised expression of each respective magic type. This often results in the offspring having limited proficiency or a reduced strength in that particular type of magic.

The manifestation of two distinct magic genes within a single individual can be challenging to control and develop. The diluted magic genes may lead to difficulties in fully harnessing and mastering the abilities associated with each type of magic. As a result, individuals with mixed magic gene heritage may struggle to achieve the same level of proficiency as those with a singular, undiluted gene.