
"Be brave, my heart. Plant your feet and square your shoulders to the enemy. Meet him among the man-killing spears. Hold your ground. In victory, do not brag; in defeat, do not weep._"  ~ [wrote the Athosian poet and mercenary Arkilocius]

The essential concept of a Warrior or Legion Society is a simple one.  This is the company with which children are taught the Warrior Ethos.  The Ethos itself does not change significantly the only thing that may change is the history on group takes to get to these ideas and the extreme with which one group goes to over another. The following is not a list of specific warrior ethos but a list of the societies whose history are noteable in some measure.  How they affect their current culture or how the wide spread culture reacts to them.

Republic of Ramalda

Ramalda was a democratic country situated on this island state of Jessiah, to the southeast. Jessiah was overcome during the Charduni invasion and its people destroyed the Kingdom as they evacuated in front of the invading force.  Since those fateful days the Republic of Ramalda have recruited members who share their wariness of another invasion.  Ramaldan values follow the general rule of "Do unto others what has been done to you." They believe in returning hospitality and returning violence, as well.

Kor Dominion

The Kor Dominion was established in memory of its eponymous monarchy that fell during the days of Rage.  The values of the society embodied the method of governing father to son, instead of the patron/vassal one which is held vogue in the Central Empire. The Kor Dominion centers on pride and honor. Things that do not pertain to fighting and battle are generally of no interest to a Kor Society members.

Children of Lumbu

The Children of Lumbu are an elite force of warriors who trained together and hone their skills beyond fighting standard.  These warriors were treated as second-class individuals with less honor than 'normal'  -  when they were not ridiculed as Oathbreakers. The small group of 'Children' collected their then few hundred members and volunteered for missions no other Kor soldier would attempt. Eventually, the Children of Lumbo left the Legion of Kor to bring honor strictly on their own school through their own sacrifices.

The Maru'vani Orders

The Maru'vani, or Knights of St. Marivahn, are headquartered in the massive citadel-basilica on Mount Maiden 100 leagues South of King John's wall.  The order has dedicated their first several centuries to the protection of all settlers within a 200 league semi-circle of the basilica and the pacification of the Orc Horde, Barbarous Centaur Tribes, and Wyrmsworn that have spawned in the Verge.

The Wyrmsworn

The Wyrmsworn are the most enigmatic of the "N'dongo", and have no set geographic expanse aside from the vast lands within the Verge. The Wyrmsworn are a tribe that is not a tribe, for they are from every tribe but of none. The Wyrmsworn movement is still largely in its infancy, but it is slowly gaining traction. Among the young men, that are the backbone of the Wyrmsworn, there has been a rousing call to do something more than exist in passive resistance against the civilized west.  Many native sons have traveling outside of 'the Verge' into the empire to gain a larger sense of context. What they find, beyond racial intolerance, is a pervasive religious intolerance - as most N'dongo believe in ancient pantheons which predate the Fall this is a onerous attitude.

The Black Forest Guard

Bard's Tales speak of 'The hard men of the Guard' as the thin line against the ancient evils of the Blackwood. The first years were tough fighting and groups of 20 or so companions would shepherd caravans from Aesenr, to Valda, to Hoelbrak to Ethangar and back again on a separate path as well as the well-travelled 'Kings Road'.  The group spawned a smaller group of Road Rangers, Special Operative who train ruthlessly to remain at the top of killing performance and strategic thinking, to handle isolated threats in the forest.

The Banking House of Calder Dane

[I'm not trying to remake the wheel; Think the financial analysts of JP Morgan or The Iron Bank of Braavos - the apprentices raised in such environs would be fantasy world, capitalists]

Dwarven Brotherhood

The dwarven warrior elite. They are responsible for guarding most dwarven citadels and remaining ancestral treasures inside of various human cities. They are extremely passionate about defending the honor of iron dwarves from anything.  _Including the loss of honor during the invasion of Charduni.  The Brotherhood doesn’t have very many bases to themselves reliant on a cadre of Dwarves in every city or external fortress. They exist as the ultimate protectors of the dwarven race, their reach is long and their memory longer.

h4. Duskhan League

This is a secretive cabal of edgewalkers who make it their duty to protect Arkos and advising in subject matters far beyond the domestic. Most assume the group to be a society of conspiracy theorists and fringe occult experts.  The Duskon League is renowned across the empire despite its students of 'far-fetched learning' as being incredibly wealthy. They maintain offices in every major city of the empire and a few cottages in entirely remote locales. The League is still considered a valued repository of expertise and lore.

Fagmilia Ducale

The Duke’s Guard is a first order, tier one shock cavalry. They are among the best horse cavalry in the west. As single knights, the Guard are terrifyingly good fighters and a formation of these horsemen is thought to break through any opposing rank of infantry. While simply very well equipped and superbly trained. This group is expected to embody 'Noblesse Oblige' often to a greater degree than the true nobles whom these guards were once sworn to protect.

Hill Tribes

This collection of regionally unaligned tribes are what's left of their initial societies when they were destroyed during the original Tuigan Invasion. They usually have a deep resentment for their countrymen that fled to the Empire. These people are extremely independent and have an outlook which the best sort of anarchist one. The DO, however, send their youngest to work with other tribes at apprentice age so that they may understand the customs and requirements of their peers, competitors, and 'countrymen'.

Mendev Marauders

The Marauders are elite heavy assault troopers – the highest caliber, most advanced training troops. The name was taken from a Charduni attack team whose tactics, Lucian Mendev studied during that war, and applied them to human strengths. During the Charduni Invasion Marauders were the scourge of many southwestern towns because one squad was often enough to defeat a platoon of humans. Soldiers are accepted for elevation to the Marauders only after having a certain amount of confirmed kills and fighting in a certain number of battles.

Bindo Monks

The Bindo Monks are trained as healers, arbiters, and mediators. Their true purpose of the league is to provide arbitration without bias - as is presumed the diplomatic arm of the Church Triumphant would have.  Only orphaned children are accepted for Bindo Training, further limiting their potential for bias.

Old Guard

The Old Guard is the military culture of Thracia the onetime primary city of Theturos. It is a remnant from the days prior to the formation of the Central Empire when the Old Guard represented the elite Royal sentries of the surrounding Kingdoms to Thrace. Graduates are recruited to form up the best soldiers in other countries to prepare them for potential acceptance to the Imperial Reverent Legion.

The Oracles

The Oracles are a group of mystics, monks, hunters, and rogues in the Spine mountains of N'dongo. They are reputed to maintain an extensive spy network in the west and other scattered areas. This information is used to make startlingly accurate “predictions” and they can be called to provide advice to anyone who can pay the entrance fee. The Oracles maintain secrecy that has convinced most of the Empire that they receive visions directly from the Gods.

The Daru

The Daru are the native inhabitants of the desert of Ethangar, conquered after the charduni invasion by the Kelesh. When the Chardun armies attacked the used fell rune magic to destroy much of Carthag reduce NĂ¢rthus to a smoldering pile of stone and destroy what little farmland remained in the attempt to starve Ethangar.  Today, the Daru are a warrior society that follow the only culture of nomadic fighters and horsemen. There are 13 Daru tribes who travel the savannah and remain a political closeness with Ethangar.

Legion of Nine Truths

Its said that the woman specifically sought a path other than the one traditionally held by nearly all Ogrun females.  Changed her name to Mardun, meaning to derive, then entered the so-called free frontier.  It was there in the Free Kingdoms that she began to unfurl a philosophy known as the "Nine Truths".  The school of has since forged a sword culture which emphasizes concern for the least members of society, a stoic acceptance of material hardships, linked to a zen-like engagement of emotional release and celebration, and finally a dedication to the notion that all things are and should remain transient.
