Professional Guilds, More Secretive Societies

Class-Based Societies
The Sisters of Mercy  Out of Earshot the sisters of Mercy are sometimes called the Sisters of Greed. And while these women dedicate themselves to the Church Triumphant they are one of the longest standing diplomatic bludgeons of civility in an uncivilized world that the church can wield. In the ruin of the cataclysm, few professions... or even other agents of a priestly calling ...have so completely retained the ability to heal and access to the powers of their divine benefactor of healing.  These women maintain an obvious and powerful connection to the Domain of Healing during the darkest ages. Lending to the impossibility that any might claim the sisterhood was not indeed truly blessed by a divine agency. Their services however necessary are not free. The penitent can pay with service …but all else must pay with more lustrous tokens of value. GOLD.

Raven Guardsmen  In this age, there is an oft-repeated question. Though it may be received with a certain amount of surliness by the Priests of the Imperial order. “Why is it that those who have unquestioned closeness to divinity are not directly leading congregations of the faithful?" The answer given, without fail, is that  “Those individuals have chosen to become a Raven Guardsman, are specifically gifted to protect the righteous, to persecute of the wicked, as a vanguard of the common good.”  Any local Rookery is an administrative center of the para militant investigatory network,  reporting their findings to the Church Triumphant as professional service. Only a few people are sufficiently educated as to be aware that the Rookery is far older than any portion of the Church. According to Lore, the Ravens Guard was an institution of power back when all humans still worshiped the Titans, the deities the Church now vilifies as Pagan.

“Crusaders of Vigilance” (Heralds)
“Wardens of the Green”  (Rangers)
“Akashic Brotherhood”  (Monks)

Sons of Yew The an organization of bards connected to the druidic First Faith. Each member combines the roles of warrior, thief, spy, poet, and 'champions of the natural world'. They may be assassins, diplomats, shamans, or the tutors of pagan kings.

Scouts of Tethic  One of the few Green Warden and Sentry guilds in the known lands. If you need a guide through the savage wyld, a bounty hunter, a hunting companion, or someone to keep an eye on your frontier lands, these are the people for you. They carry a sash of red, denoting their position. Anyone found wearing one of their sashes and is not a guild member may be subject to guild reprisals. Likewise for anyone interfering with a scout in the course of their duty. They also serve as an informal postal service carrying official dispatches and personal correspondence alike. Many of the Scouts are literate and offer a letter writing service. The Scouts have no base or guild hall. They are an entirely mobile entity.