The Dodecians, a growing cult of escaped slaves, who believe that the only place they will ever be truly free is in the original ancestral homeland of Dragonseye. The Dodecians have two ancient texts that they believe tell the true origins of the entire human race. The first, the Dodecon, tells the story of the “Twelve”, a dozen humans to escape the City of Brass. Who threw off their shackles, killed the Tyrant King Kossuth, left the demi-plane of fire, and found the free city of Dragonseye. The second book, the Elemeliad, describes the "Wheel of Man - a relic of unsurpassed power. It is this circular artifact that spun in the sky and held the Elementals and other foes of Dragonseye at bay - fading into a status of light. Unable to touch or be touched fading in the light day by day in as much that shadow is obscured by the presence of night. Until - as the fable goes - one of the Twelve betrayed all of the others. Both books are full of obscure prophecies that the Dodecians believe predict the return of the Wheel and the full glory of Dragonseye.
Few ‘unbelievers’ think the outrageous tales are anything more than well-told stories. In fact, most people regard the tales as well crafted and will listen to fanatics spin their yarns with civil respect - willing to be entertained occasionally appreciating how a perfectly decent parable is woven through the fabrication.

Over eight centuries ago, the Balorian Abyssal known as Mohderan ruled a feared necropolis on the southern shore - he disappeared in the wake of invasion during the consolidation of the Southern Republic. For many centuries it was believed that the DeathKnight had been slain, but that was not the case. Although Mohderan remains in hiding, he HAS been sighted deep in the Barrens northeast. Many legends of would be necromancers have sought out his counsel and tutelage, these pupils are known as the Mohderani. The Mohderani are an enigmatic society, for in return for unheralded necromantic tutelage, they must do their master’s bidding and the undead lord is quite mad.

The Loyalists
An offshoot cult of followers of the Nine Truths of the great philosopher Mazdak. Followers of the Nine Truths have no formal organization or hierarchy. But the Loyalists do, for they adhere to a very specific goal: Ending Immortality. This cult concentrates on the philosophy’s belief that all things should be temporary and that people must accept their mortality. The Loyalists take this belief and apply it to any creatures who are immortal or ageless, including all eternal, most notably the fabled first five Covenant Guardinals - The Faen King Oberon, the Deva Queen Alanth, the Scarlet Empress of Cathay, deposed Emperor Velez of the Southern Republic, and the Balorian Abyssal Lord Mohderan. The cult, itself, is not political in nature, even though its goals would affect vast political changes throughout Imperial Cathay. They are simply zealous in their devotion to the Nine Truths and indifferent to the political havoc their actions may wreak on the world at large.

Order of the Compass
This knightly order was originally created by Emperor Velez to protect travelers in the Southern Republic. The Order separated itself from the Empire long before he was deposed - and supposedly killed. It now protects travelers throughout the Free Kingdoms and is composed of numerous races. Well respected for its policies, the Compass employ healers, fighters and engineers to keep roads in as good repair as the Kings Road - alas it takes far more work than that enchanted edifice. Their main Chapterhouse is in the town of Selios beyond Imperial Cathay. But many smaller Chapterhouses exist in towns nearest acknowledged trade routes throughout the Free Kingdoms from Imperial Cathay to the Southern Republic.

PureLand Sect
An Ogrun named Ranath-shi founded this sect, which is dedicated to cleansing all land west of the Verge and South of the sundered citadel of any race but Ogrun and Goliath. They are quite militant and are often depicted gathering singular monsters to add to their Dark Horde.

Rhanok Rangers
This reconstituted order is based on an ancient secret order of warriors that raided slaver caravans and liberated the slaves. The order is comprised of all races, particularly Yuuta and iKKosi although humans, and dwarves - the races most likely to keep slaves - are viewed with suspicion. Originally interred by Baron Rhanok in the ruined citadel, it is thought that the resurrected order now plans its raids from a town in Cave Enshadn, in the southernmost edge of the Ochre Mountains. They have had various dealings with Dodecians and many blame the Rangers for the swelling ranks of ‘Twelves’ new human children.

The Testament
This society is also comprised mostly of Yuuta. Probably centered in Cove Carraway, its secretive force dedicates itself to enforcing the final oath of freedom so promised by Yuutani Duchess A’Varhra. No Yuutani shall ever seek by Landbond, to own AND RULE, a locale untouched by water. In her own words, " Humanity may be a product of the clay. It is the spirits of the Earth have mothered him, nursed him, set him tasks, directed his thoughts, confronted him with difficulties to shape the clay about him that has strengthened his body and sharpened his wits.
We are not men.
We touch the land only as it borders the water and the shore is the farthest edge of our hallowed home. Stray not from the brine. Nor from she who has placed the oceans’ salt in our blood. It may be the river valley that has the most fertile soil. But this trait stems from her bounteous life-giving that graces the barren earth. Do not seek to live without her loving caress. "

The Testament is, in effect, the secret police of the Yuuta. Any Yuutani who seeks non-clan Title - or the powers associated with non-clan nobility - will run into conflict with them. And they are not known to negotiate or compromise. The current Yutani Senior Sail Mistress refuses to speak publicly about the Testament, nor comment about claims of persecution of various noble houses with ‘house-bred’ Yuuta vassals.
