
Some races can contest the pervasive belief of a global apocalypse, Dwarves do not – they have all the proof they’ll ever need to understand it as a historical fact. Their once mighty empire’s under-the-mountain disappeared when the world reshaped itself, a thousand years ago. They can prove that the relatively-new mountains which currently scratch the sky were once on the bottom of the ocean, meaning their own ancient mines and forges likely replaced them there. Ninety percent of the Dwarven Empire died after the Great Fall, or at least, they were never heard from again. Most Dwarves haven’t given up hope of a return which is why the Charduni invasion was such a bitter memory in their memory.

The Dwarves were perhaps the hardest hit of all of the elder races by the events of the cataclysm. Those that exist today are those individuals who happened to have been adventuring, trading, or warring outside of their ancestral homelands, under-the-mountain. Since the cataclysm also had significant accompanying continental shifting many of the mountain chains which defined a region now lie on the bottom of an ocean, and many more rose from the fathomless depths to scratch the skies. Many of the bedrock used as the foundation of the dwarven once thought to be eternal and unalterable has proved to be otherwise. This essential fact has been the cause of a philosophical revolution in how the dwarven race perceived the world – and how they interact with it now.

It is the opinion of many that Dwarves are still dour and humorless artisans of mineral and metal. But in fact, their current disposition also contains a regular appreciation for celebration when it is due. Dwarven calendars abound with a scheduled appreciation for their crafts, their children, the strength of their faith in each other which has brought them through the dark ages. While still a lawful people, the dwarven culture can no longer call upon the ancient lore which once stratified every moment of their lives. A more cynical heartless individual might say that the cataclysm actually freed the dwarven race from the stasis of longstanding tradition. Well-traveled craftsmen and traders by necessity and amongst the most innovative races on the new face of Arkos.

Society: The legendary dwarven citadels have disappeared into myth currently the majority of Dwarves in the central empire occupy portions of sufficiently large human settlements, typically called dwarven ghettos. Should a dwarven clan exist in a smaller community the structure housing them will be an example of superior craftsmanship as part of their daily regular existence. The technology which continues to affirm Dwarven status and position in the Central Empire is one which affects every life living in a non-Prime city. Or any town which has to worry about the Savage Wyld.

Relations: Dwarves and orcs have long dwelt in proximity to one another, and share a history of violence as old as both races. However, Dwarves and Ogrun have recently shared a violent antipathy toward giants forging a grudging bond which has overcome much of their distrust concerning ancient orcish lineage. But it is with humans that dwarves share the strongest link of all of those outside their own, humans’ industrious nature and hearty appetites come closest to matching those of the dwarven ideal.

Alignment: Dwarves hold the philosophy of fidelity and valor nearly above all other social conventions. They have a particular fascination for mechanical Innovation and alchemy. While they are often stereotyped as stubborn imperious tedious pedagogues, they have a strong sense of friendship, appreciation, and justice, and those who win their trust understand that while they work hard, they play even harder—especially when a good ale (or two) is involved. Most dwarves are Lawful.
