Ability scores both define stereotypes and allow characters to deviate from them and become unique individuals.
Every character has six basic abilities, each of which has a score, normally ranging from about 3 to 18. The average score for a human is 10 or 11.

STRENGTH (STR)shows how physically strong your character is. A Strength of 3 represents someone so feeble he can barely carry his own weight. Someone with an 18 has a strength of great renown.
DEXTERITY (DEX)shows how quick and deft your character is. A Dexterity of 3 is known for inept clumsiness, while someone with an 18 is incredibly nimble and fast.
CONSTITUTION (CON)shows how healthy and hearty your character is. A Constitution of 3 represents someone sickly and frail. Someone with an 18 is fit, never sick, and can take a lot of physical punishment.
INTELLIGENCE (INT) shows how inherently knowledgeable your character is. Someone with an Intelligence of 3 might not know the name of the country the live in, while someone with an Intelligence of 18 might be a Polymath.
WISDOM (WISshows how perceptive, intuitive your character is. Someone with a Wisdom of 3 is unaware of the obvious truths going on around him.
Someone with a Wisdom of 18 is canny and insightful, someone who can interpret every intrigue, with or without speech.
CHARISMA (CHA) is representative a character’s strength of personality, their willpower to resist compulsion

So here's a problem why are divine characters straddled with using a Wisdom score when its ONLY used to determine how perceptive a creature is? Wisdom doesn't actually mean how WISE a character can be. Intelligence determines how many additional skill points a player gets. And wisdom is only used for very specific skills. The skill system needs a makeover

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