Dnd hasn't cornered the market on the names of various roles but it does try to pigeon-hole players into revealing their abilities by class name. The following is a list of ability in every associated role in the campaign. These are the names commonly used to describe the base roles. Some mean more or less the same thing but vary in terms of ability, some presume different potential expectation. Some base classes may find themselves in similar roles; for example, a Feldagger and a Nighthawk have similar meanings - both are paid assassins. One might expect a Nighthawk to sneak into your home a shadow. A Feldagger relentlessly pursues a mark, accomplishing the same bloody end but he won't bother to presume a covert action.
Rogue [Street Rat, Church Mouse, Turtle Dove, Nightjay, Cutpurse, Robin, Nightshade, Nighthawk, Sharper, Shoemaker, Thief]
Spell-Caster [Medium, Seer, Diviner, Conjuror, Occultist, Enchanter, Warlock, Sorcerer, Arcanist, Cabalist, Magi]
Fighter [BattleBrother, Warrior, Swordmaster, Gendarme, Cavalier, Knight, Templar, Paladin, Champion, Swashbuckler, Feldagger, Herald, Commander, ]
Priest [Acolyte, Adept, Padre, Brother, Sister, Vicar, Legate, Elder, Bishop, Curate, BattleSaint]
Expert [Alchemist, Scholar, ]
Taboo Roles
Spell-Caster [Arcanist, Necromancer]
Rogue [Assassin]
Priest [Cleric, Oracle]
Last edited by JackFaust, July 06 2018 06:46:47. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.