
The Warrior

The Warrior is the first Guardian Constellation and he protects his charges during their Seasons. The Warrior's own season is Last Seed when his Strength is needed for the harvest. His Charges are the Lady, the Steed, and the Lord. Those born under the sign of the Warrior are skilled with weapons of all kinds, but prone to short tempers.

Warwyrd: Those born under the sign of the Warrior gain a +1 birthsign bonus to all attack rolls.

The Mage

The Mage is a Guardian Constellation whose Season is Rain's Hand when magicka was first used by men. His Charges are the Apprentice, the Golem, and the Ritual. Those born under the Mage have more magicka and talent for all kinds of spellcasting, but are often arrogant and absent-minded.

Fay: Those born under the sign of the Mage gain a +1 bonus to their effective caster level for the purposes of Save DCs and overcoming spell resistance.

The Thief

The Thief is the last Guardian Constellation, and her Season is the darkest month of Evening Star. Her Charges are the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower. Those born under the sign of the Thief are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however, and rarely live as long as those born under other signs.

Akaviri Danger Sense: Those born under the sign of The Thief gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

The Serpent

The Serpent wanders about in the sky and has no Season, though its motions are predictable to a degree. No characteristics are common to all who are born under the sign of the Serpent. Those born under this sign are the most blessed and the most cursed.

Star Curse: Once per day, by accepting a point of Bleed damage, those born under the sign of the Serpent can inflict three points of Bleed damage to a target with a melee touch attack. Both Bleed effects last five rounds, and cannot be stopped by a Heal check or magical healing. It can, however, be stopped by Remove Curse.

The Lady

The Lady is one of the Warrior's Charges and her Season is Heartfire. Those born under the sign of the Lady are kind and tolerant.

The Lady's Favor: Those born under the sign of the Lady gain a +1 birthsign bonus to Constitution and Charisma.

The Steed

The Steed is one of the Warrior's Charges, and her Season is Mid Year. Those born under the sign of the Steed are impatient and always hurrying from one place to another.

Charioteer: Those born under the sign of the Steed gain a +5 birthsign bonus to their base speed.

The Lord

The Lord's Season is First Seed and he oversees all of Tamriel during the planting. Those born under the sign of the Lord are stronger and healthier than those born under other signs.

Blood of the North: Once per day, those born under the sign of the Lord can gain Fast Healing 2 for one minute.

Trollkin: Those born under the sign of the Lord are vulnerable to fire.

The Apprentice

The Apprentice's Season is Sun's Height. Those born under the sign of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but are more vulnerable to magick as well.

Elfborn: Those born under the sign of the Apprentice gain a +2 birthsign bonus to their effective caster level for the purposes of Save DCs and overcoming spell resistance, but suffer a -1 penalty to all Saves against magical effects.

The Atronach

The Atronach (often called the Golem) is one of the Mage's Charges. Its season is Sun's Dusk. Those born under the sign of the Atronach are naturally resistant to magic, but have trouble casting spells of their own.

Wombburned: Those born under the sign of the Atronach gain SR 12, but must make a DC 12 Concentration check once per day when they prepare their spells (for prepared casters) or when they wake up for the day (for spontaneous casters), or lose one spell slot of the highest level they can cast for the day.

The Ritual

The Ritual is one of the Mage's Charges and its Season is Morning Star. Those born under this sign have a variety of abilities depending on the aspects of the moons and the Divines.

Blessed Word: Once per day, those born under the sign of the Ritual may channel positive energy as a cleric of their character level.

The Lover

The Lover is one of the Thief's Charges and her season is Sun's Dawn. Those born under the sign of the Lover are graceful and passionate.

Mooncalf: Those born under the sign of the Lover gain a +1 birthsign bonus to Dexterity.

Lover's Kiss: Once per day, those born under the sign of the Lover can give a target a paralyzing kiss with a melee touch attack. The target must pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the user's Hit Dice + the user's Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. If the melee touch attack succeeds, the user is fatigued, regardless of whether or not the target passes their Fortitude save.

The Shadow

The Shadow's Season is Second Seed. The Shadow grants those born under her sign the ability to hide in shadows.

Moonshadow: Once per day, those born under the sign of the Shadow can cast Invisibility as a spell-like ability with a duration of one minute.

The Tower

The Tower is one of the Thief's Charges and its Season is Frostfall. Those born under the sign of the Tower have a knack for finding gold and can open locks of all kinds.

Beggar's Nose: Once per day, those born under the sign of the Tower can sense the presence of accumulations of valuables worth 100 gp or more within a 200 foot radius for one minute. They do not know the exact composition or nature of the valuables, only the distance and direction from them. Beggar's Nose always locates the treasure with the greatest market value if more than one accumulation is within range.

Tower Key: Those born under the sign of the Tower can cast Knock once per day as a spell-like ability.