Vigil Amalgam

Jordan Light
Erin Grey
Gordon Gunn

Lieutenant Harold Bluehill


Mayor Eric Garcetti
Police Chief Charlie Beck
Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Mark Fajardo

Gangs of Los Angeles
The Syndicate has been operating in the underworld of Los Angeles for several decades. Our enforcers have manipulated the criminal world for their own purposes. The Underworld is rife with deviant creatures, from bloodsuckers to werewolves, the corrupted ones, the cultists, the mad ones, the death dealers, the snake workshippers, something we more recently became aware of and coined Eetees for the time being and even stranger things.

Dwayne Lorrick: Gang violence is an excellent way to hide the Pogrom from the Masses. Corpses, guns and violence? It's an every day occurance. Nothing to see here, folks.
Ricardo Rosselini: We advise the ganglords, set them up against each other and reap the profits. It's just business.

Mara Salvatrucha
18th Street gang
Asian Boyz
Wah Ching