Wraithguard (-Economy and Trade, +++Espionage and Counter-Intelligence, -Diplomacy) - Strast Dandris
Wraithguard is a private contractor that was brought in to support a corrupt regime, After the truth came to light and the regime forced the locals to raise up and attack the regime the Wraithguard could not support this corruption and stepped aside to let the people do what needed to be done. Afterwards they supported an election from the people where the locals elected the Wraithhguard to help protect the interests.
Known Territories and Settlements: Parts of the Western Badlands
Known Influences: Military Procurement and the CETA with Blackwatch
Known Facilities: Arms Manufactory, Solar Power Plant and a Roadtrain between it's territories and the Blackwatch
Known Technologies: Combat Stimulators
Known Units: Several Haunt Divisions Polity Infantry Division and Reservist Division
Last edited by admiral_squid, December 19 2017 11:31:21. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.