- For trade: kelp vehicle textiles, hand-dyed kelp textiles, recycled modular housing (Moth Industries)
- 250m Cr$ + 3 Comoryll -- (2x) Ryllian conversion, training and ongoing care at Better Horizons, using patented Stoic methods. Available to all Pro-Unity Federal polities, regardless of religious affiliation. Candidates are taught meditative trances to help control their power and, optionally, the martial art Jambuvanti to defend themselves. We estimate a 66% chance of predicting the ability, 3% chance of subject fatality. We predict better success rates with Remembrancy.
[list] - Inhalation | probability sensitivity, Sensitives/Savants/Remembrancers
- Slow Inhale | Organ Function, aka Physical Adepts
- Injection | Metabolic
- Lotion | chameleon
[*] The Temple of Prismatic Truth's inter-agency cooperation deal provides, free of charge:
- a further 36 units of Comorite, 18 units of Comorude and 24 units of Comoryll per budget cycle at base prices. Projects and companies must be licensed by CRAIC, which requires vetting through Prism and/or FIA. Eg, projects cannot be secret to the Council.
- +4 Prism bonus to two (2x) investigative, counterintelligence or propaganda missions, by using Prism monks (aka, Refractors)
- +12 GSEN/Prism bonus to propaganda attacks crafted by Prism and broadcast through GSEN.
- +?? Prism/Aperture : the head of Prism, an eidetic Ryllian, oversees any project involving Prism and it's arena of interest (crystals & Ryllians, officially, but also propaganda efforts)
[*] Global Satellite Entertainment Network & Red Moon Studios offers a variety of services:
- 63m --a +9 to coordinated ECI or PW missions, per mission.
- 21m --a +3 to projects using the Federal Clinic Network but at the expense of secrecy
- 21m --a +3 to one consumer E&T product, franchise or programme
- 10% -- For expanded broadcast coverage of short-term events (sporting events, etc)
- The Federation receives access to the first three options in exchange for a lump sum payment of 350m to Moth Industries
[*] 150m per + -- Recycled Modular Housing manufactories, this provides an affordable housing solution. Available for any White Cross or other humanitarian missions through Moth Industries.
[Private to Narrator: [*] 125m per + Retoolable Small Manufactory blueprint - providing a + to Economy,capable of a wide range of products]
[*] 175m -- White Cross Medical Road Train, the Shédetóué or Atlas Roadtrain, includes a combat surgical hospital, cryochambers and bio-hazard decontamination chambers - together with both cryo-evacuation and ambulance drones, providing a +25% to Defence and a +75% for nearby infantry units reduced to Impeded.
[*]???m -- Grav Roadtrain,
[*] 200+ m -- Stoic Temple/Clinics -- Morale+, small income bonus (+10m Cr$).non-denominational healthcare facilities treating the mind, body and spirit, run by Stoic-certified doctors, psychologists and gurus. Automatically integrates the latest health care sciences known to the Federation and the Stoics. Encourages development of all spiritual beliefs and religions equally (including ethical atheism).
[*] 000m -- Zenos Industries, and their CEO, Rp Mbala, are available to work with any Federal or Polity projects involving gravionics, voidcraft or drones. Rp Mbala is an eidetic Ryllian.
- 1350m + 1 Ansible -- Short Bow: Starship, Patrol Boat Class with Bridge Deck with Ansible Drone Operations, Overpowered Fusion Powersystem, 2 Ion Drives with Gravionics Thrusters, Integrated Hydroponics, 2 Water Cellular Shielding, Point Defence System, LIDAR and Improved RADAR and 2 Drone Bays (4 small or 2 medium Drones each). Crew of 18 required plus 8 operators, 200 metres long. [Private to Abbie Nejem; Izel Zipactonal; Faxecura; Reine Okomo: (Discount price to Stoic-aligned polities: 1250m Cr$) ]
- 380m + 1 Ansible/3 drones -- Arrow: Drone, Small Combat Class with Remote Ansible Controller, Fusion Powersystem, Gravionic Drives, LIDAR and Improved RADAR and Fletchette Cannon. Remote crew of 1 required, 3 metres long. Stats equivalent to 110/90/30 [Private to Abbie Nejem; Izel Zipactonal; Faxecura; Reine Okomo: (Discount price to Stoic-aligned polities: 340m Cr$)]
- ___ + 1 Ansible -- Quiver: Pilot Facility Theoretical military base with Ansible Drone Operations. Built to spec.
- Exclusive Voidcraft Components: Drone Bay, Gravionic Thruster, Small Combat Drone hull, Medium Satellite hull, Ansible Drone Operations, Repair Bays,
- Voidcraft design experience: Remote Ansible Controller, Telecommuter Remote Consoles, Gravionic Drives, Haikala Patrol Boat Class, Otso Class, Medium Military Satellite hull, Niella Lifters, Izel Zipactonal Mekajiki Class,
Space Elevators
[*] 240/480 m -- Religious Monasteries -- For Faithful and Allies only
- The monks explore a particular aspect of (that religion's) theology. The nature of the monastery's area of contemplation requires approval from the religion's recognized leader, but some examples include Xur Martial Arts, theological mysteries, and cultural topics. Their partners, families, and maintenance staff are encouraged to pursue their own entrepreneurial goals. Each monastery will need it's own research and business focus.
- Physically self-contained with power generation, grey water systems, hydroponics and recycling. Not fully contained (i.e. air, base materials) or zero footprint, but far closer than everywhere except Barufu Utoto Station and some more extreme Buna and Hishu settlements
- Defendable with ceramic walls (Fisabee-era tech) with watchtowers and a company-sized garrison (flavour mostly, you could split a battalion into several companies to be maintenance free and a defence bonus for each monastery)
- Economically-sustaining, with a small income generating business handled by the monks' families.
- Expandable with space to grow
- at 480, generates up to one feasibility study per turn, shared publicly as tenets of the faithful